Anacondrai Desert

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Man, that trip from the mountains was brutal...

Lloyd seem determined for revenge while you just wanted to go home and forget this ever happened. Sadly, you can't.

You had a lovesick general on your trail, the fangpyre had teamed up with the Hypnobrai, and you were stuck in a desert with little supplies. Just peachy, right?

"Y/N! Look!"

You glanced up from your depressive state to see yet another tomb. You sighed, there really was no way to stop it at this point so the next time you see the ninja, you're sprinting onto their ship.

"Fine... let's just get this over with and get to the part where you get betrayed... yada yada..."

You only raised an eyebrow as Lloyd turned around and puffed out his cheeks.

"Hey! This time is going to be different!"

"That's what you said last time."

He only huffed and turned back to the stone door before him. You crossed your arms as you watched him timidly open the tomb. You only gulped at the echoing creak that came from the now gaping cave.

Lloyd ran back to grab your hand then cautiously walked around the foreign territory. Man, this place was gruesome. Bones laid amongst many as you traversed deeper and deeper in the tomb.

You were just about to turn around and leave until a sudden presence shocked you out of your skin. You shrieked as you defensively covered Lloyd. When you opened your eyes, whatever was there, was gone.

Suddenly, a hiss behind you nearly made you kick the poor boy behind you. You turned around and saw the biggest serpentine you have ever seen. Whatever it was happened to be bigger than Fangtom!

"My sincerest apologies, young youths..."

You cocked a brow at this. Something isn't right, also... did they just call you a youth?! Aside from this, the gruesome image around you didn't really help your suspicions and aching nerves.

You eyed the amethyst colored snake as he slithered along with Lloyd.

Something was definitely not right...

Yep, this is a short chapter. Getting chapters in between my breaks are pretty stressful so I might take a mini hiatus from large/main story chapters.

Sorry if it sounds repetitive, doesn't make sense, or just sounds bland.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter, requests are taken in my other book, and have a great day!

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