Asperity of Life

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This was supposed to be a sequel part of BREAKEVEN. I actually first posted this in AFF. I thought I already posted it here in Wattpad, turns out I never posted it on Wattpad so here is it. 

I'll just add this here as a Chapter.

Published last Sept 2017.


"Daddy!" 5 year-old Moonbyul shouted her hearts out with the sight of her father, Her father smiled at her as she approach. "My Princess." Moonbyul's father replied as he lift her daughter and let her sit on his lap. "How are you?" Moonbyul's father asked since he went to Singapore for 2 weeks, "Daddy did you know I played a lot at school, I have new friends and someone had a crush on me. I also have a new crush and her name is Yongsun!!" Moonbyul told her father, "A girl?" Moonbyul's father curiously asked, Moonbyul nod innocently beaming on her father. "You really inherit my genes don't you?" Mr. Moon smiled in front of her daughter teasing Moonbyul as he neglected the fact that her only daughter likes someone with the same gender. "Yes because I am a daddy's girl" Another beam from the kids face is visible. Moonbyul's father cup her daughter's chin as he kiss her on the cheek.

Moonbyul thought her father went to Singapore for some business related events, little did she not know her father actually went there for second opinion. Moonbyul's father is diagnosed with Malignant Brain tumor (Brain cancer). Mr. Moon thought that the blurriness of her vision and problems in hearing was caused by his continuous stress. He also experienced sever headaches and vomiting that's when he decided to consult their family doctor. Later on he found out that he has Brain tumour, he wanted to get second opinion and other professional opinion about it that's why he went to Singapore. No one knows even her wife.

Mr. Moon continued to work in their company up until Moonbyul's birthday.

December 22

6 year-old Moonbyul celebrating her party in their backyard, she invited her friends, her crush, her teachers and other relatives. The kid enjoyed every part of her party, her mother and her father is fully hands-on in her party, at that time she thinks she is lucky enough to have them. Her parents love her so much.

The party ended but some of Moonbyul's relatives stayed behind for a dinner with the whole family and with Yongsun whom Moonbyul invited. Everything went fine not until Mr. Moon, the father of Moonbyul felt a severe headache and blurred vision as he suddenly fell on the floor, Mr. Moon's siblings approached him with her wife, they tried to help him up. Moonbyul at the side looking at her father's pale face. She stared at his face and saw pain, "Papa!" Moonbyul towards her father, but even before she can even approach her father, he lost his balance once again as he vomited blood on his hands. Moonbyul ran as he hugged her father. "Papa are you okay?" Moonbyul cried, her father looked at her and smiled, "I am fine my princess." Mr. Moon answered, but his body says otherwise. Mr. Moon fell on the floor unconscious, his wife immediately approached him, "Hun!!" with the help of their other relatives they immediately brought him to the car, leaving Moonbyul astound of what just happened. Moonbyul was left in their house crying demanding to follow her father, but her aunts never let her out. Yongsun on the other side sat beside Moonbyul and hugged her, Yongsun caress Moonbyul's back as she cries, she wanted to Moonbyul to calmed down. She pushed Moonbyul away from the hug to look at her face, she wiped her tears with her bare hands, "Don't cry Mr. Moon will be alright he'll be back later on." Moonbyul just smiled in front of her friend,

Days passed Moonbyul's father is still in the hospital, her mother rarely went home she didn't know the reason why her beloved father wasn't able to go home, Moonbyul's routine only revolves around school and their house, no more playgrounds, theme parks nor her favorite place the beach. Her grandfather usually go to their house to visit her, she wasn't allowed to visit her father in the hospital since it's dangerous for her age. Every time her grandfather visits she usually persuade him to bring her to the hospital, but her plans of persuasion never worked out.

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