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*Phone Rings*

She answered her phone hoping it was Byul, She totally regretted what she said to her awhile ago. "Byul I am really sorry!" she said.

but it wasn't Byul.

"Yongsun what happened!?" Eric asked and she cried, "I-I said hurtful things to Moonbyul, and she left." She said as she broke down. "I am coming over." Eric said and he ended the call. She sat on the living room covering her face with her hand. 'What the hell have I done!?' she thought to herself

'I need to find her', she walked around our condominium thinking where Byul could possibly be, after a few mor minutes she thought that maybe Byul is at her late father's grave. Since Moonbyul is a total daddy's girl when her father is still alive but he died because of cancer. Sooner or later Byul's mom abandoned her.

She immediately went to the door and there she saw Eric walking towards the unit, "Oh Yongsun where are you going?" He asked, "I am going to find her" she said as she tried to walk away but Eric grabbed her hand. "What where are you going to find her. " He asked but Yongsun became quite irritated with Eric,"I don't know, I will find her no matter what!" She said and pulled her hand off of Eric. Eric followed Yongsun instead. When they were on the ground floor Yongsun thought, she don't have a car how could she go there as soon as possible? Eric tapped her shoulder, "Let's go I brought my car." Eric suggested.

Yongsun sat on the shotgun seat and immediately wore her seatbelt, "Adamond Cemetery" She just said and starred back on the front of the car. Yongsun felt that the car was so slow, "Eric can you drive faster!?" Yongsun shouted. Eric was shocked on the girl's statement. This is the first time she ever heard Yongsun shouted since Yong was so compossed and soft when it comes to him. He let it go minding the girl's current problems.

When they are already on the cemetery Yong went to Mr. Moon's grave but sighing in defeat, Byul wasn't there. She fell on the floor.

'Where could she be?' she asked herself

"Let's go back to your condo first maybe she is back" Yongsun nod and slowly stood up as if she was dragging herself towards the car.

When they were back on the Condo unit nothing change, there is still Moonbyul's absence. "What happened? Why did she left?" Eric asked, Yongsun told her what happened. In the end Eric nod as if he understand what happened.

"Don't you think it is a good thing that she left?" Eric uttered while looking at Yongsun, Yongsun felt bothered on what Eric said, "Good thing? Do you think you're comforting? No you are not!" Yongsun uttered anger visible on her voice. Once again Eric was shocked on Yongsun's response. "I mean now we could be together without any interruptions and jealousy from your friend?" Eric said "What the hell Eric! Our relationship is far more different from Byuls' Don't even compare okay!? What jealousy? are you out of your mind? Maybe this is all your fault if I didn't met you Byul and I won't be like this!" Yongsun uttered as if she was about to explode in front of Eric and his pointless statements. "What now are you falling for that femme dyke?" Eric raised his voice, Yongsun was shocked on what she heard and her face became serious. "Leave, I want to be alone.. LEAVE!" Yongsun shouted, Eric walked out slamming the front door.



'This will be the last time I'll cry again.'

Moonbyul thought to herself, she contacted Hwasa and Wheein and asked them to meet her on a cafe near her grandfather's company,

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