Melancholy of Reality

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After 2 years


It has been 2 years since the fight happened, Yongsun became more and more desperate on the first year, she even asked Mr. Moon numerous times where Moonbyul's whereabout, but she end up with nothing. A few months later she said yes to Eric, but their relationship never went back like how it sailed before. This time their relationship has a lot of flaw, twist and turns. Eric changed but still Yongsun tried to keep up with him, she can see herself on Eric. She actually concluded that maybe they would end up not in the good terms.

Eric currently works on a company while Solar has her own boutique shop that she manage.

Wheein and Hwasa made up with Yongsun, after a year of the dispute they forgave Yongsun, Yongsun explained herself to the two and end up understanding her. Yongsun in the end admitted that what she did was wrong. She fully regretted what happened.

The old friendship between the three went back.

Yongsun's phone ringed~

Yongsun looked at the phone and saw it was Eric,

she sighed deeply before answering the phone, "Yes?" Yongsun answered,"Hey hun we'll have a dinner date later is it okay with you?" Eric uttered, Yongsun wasn't able to reply immediately. It has been a long time since Eric sounded this sweet and the dinner date? He seldomly invite her for a dinner date after Moonbyul disappeared this is something new for Yongsun, "Yongsun?" Eric uttered when Yongsun didn't replied. "A-ah Yes okay." Yongsun answered, "I'll pic you up at 8, bye love you." Yongsun didn't relied and ended the call.

She pulled her phone once again and dialled Wheein's number, Wheein and Yongsun became quite close after Moonbyul left. Wheein tend to listen to Yongsun, Yongsun also hang out with her so much trying to overcome Byul's disappearance, "Wheein-ah mind coming with me to the mall?" Yongsun asked as she laughed when Wheein replied with her baby voice, "Unnie-yah I'll go with you if you give this little girl an ice cream." Wheein laughed off after saying it to Yongsun. "Yah okay Wheein-ah I'll buy you an ice cream" Yongsun uttered as she hear the other girl celebration on the other line. Wheein has her own small company while Hwasa is currently an High paid engineer. Wheein and Hwasa became a thing after a year of Byul's diasppearance. Hwasa courted Wheein for a while and they end up together obviously. But due to busy schedule of Hwasa she often left for her projects while Wheein fully understands their situation.

"I'll wait for you at the mall later." Yongsun said and waited for the other girl's response before she ended the call.

Yongsun wore a simple pink dress, white flats and brought her white half moon bag.

Yongsun told Wheein to meet her in front of Ralph Laurent boutique. Yongsun was there 15 minutes earlier that the meeting time she wanted to roam around for inside the boutique when she found nothing that interest her eyes, she looked at her watch, Wheein is 5 minutes late, she went out to go to other boutique but what she saw left her dumbfounded..

It was Moonbyul with another girl.

They went inside Michael Kors Boutique, Yongsun just starred at them replaying the moment she saw Moonbyul smiling with a new girl.

2 years ago,

I was that girl,

who is she,

am I easy to replace?

I thought she loved me?

she loved me?

past tense, means it was all in the past?

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