A/N; Important Announcement

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Imma get this straight. No. I do not support BLM Black Lives Matter. I would support All Lives Matter, but now I dont support any bc no one can fucking get along! I'm sorry for the words I use here too.

It's just so god damn annoying! I cant enjoy social media anymore! I cant make friends unless I support BLM! Its frustrating! But that's not the point.

Just bc I dont support BLM doesnt mean I dont care. I care for all people, everyone. So here, Justin Higgs. I hope I got his name correct.

Hes going to be executed pretty soon, we have less than 4 days, I posted this on Monday Janurary 11th. So on the 15th I believe hes going to be executed.

People are so stubborn. Please help and sign this petition. I'm not going to say your a bad person for not signing it, but it's still very sad. It's just a sign, so please, I wanna help and I cant chip any in.

Heres the link  http://chng.it/MqWzNJCQ4S

I hope that's the correct link.

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