(Part 1) The Incident

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 Narrator - It was a peaceful day in the sandbox, Private First Class Michigan Riot was on his routine patrol exactly one mile away from his companies FOB. He was sweating to death inside of his uniform, and just wanted to get the patrol over with.

Michigan's POV - I was walking through the open dunes of Afghanistan, a third-world country located in the Eastern Hemisphere, which the United States is currently locked in war with a radical terrorist group known as ISIS, who were notorious for commiting executions of civilians and soldiers on live television.

A gunshot rings out and a bullet flies dangerously close to Michigan's helmet.

I take cover behind a destroyed building and take out my rangefinder, I spot around twenty ISIS soldiers on a ridgeline four hundred meters to my North.

Michigan on radio  This is PFC Michigan Riot, I'm requesting support from forty men on my position, I am pinned down in a ruined building and taking fire from twenty ISIS soldiers to my North, how copy?

FOB Radio Operator -  We read you Michigan, we're routing additional men to your position, ETA ten minutes, hang in there. 

Michigan's POV - "Solid copy command, Michigan out." I begin to peek out of my cover to fire back at my enemies, I manage to kill three of them before they spot me and open fire on my position, forcing me to back up and duck behind the wall of the building. I mount my M4 on a shorter wall and open fire on the seventeen remaining soldiers before I realize that they're charging towards my position. My M4 is shot out of my hands and I pull out my Beretta M9 and say a quick prayer, having made peace with my maker. An ISIS soldier that appears to be no older than fourteen rounds the corner and is immediately hit in the side of his head with the butt of my broken M4, knocking him out. 

A single gunshot rings out

I feel a bullet strike my back, but it's stopped thanks to my vest. I instinctively spin while crouching down and I put a single bullet straight through the man's head. A grenade lands next to me, and I quietly curse before my right leg is blown clean off by the resulting explosion. And as I'm bleeding to death, I'm picked up by the ISIS members, and they stop my bleeding before loading me into a truck, to assumably be taken to their base for god knows what.

Inside of the ISIS base -  I wake up to some flood lights shining in my face, and I hear a man speaking to me before I'm hit in the face with the butt of an AK-47. I jolt up, restrained to a wooden chair, and I see cameras all around me.

Michigan's Thoughts -  "No, no no no no. This can't be happening! I've made it all this way just to be executed by foreign scum."

Back in the room -  I hear an ISIS member which I'm assuming is their leader yelling some ISIS propaganda bs at the top of his lungs, before he turns to me and takes the rag out of my mouth.

ISIS Leader -  "Any last words you American dog?"

Michigan's PoV -  I look him dead in the eyes before saying something. "For my family b***h" I break the ropes holding me and I manage to grab his rifle and shoot him down before being riddled with bullets from enemy AK-47s. As I lay dying, my thoughts run back to my family who are back home, and my friends who are most likely investigating the site of my last known transmission. After a half minute I finally bleed out, and I join all the brave men who've given their lives for something greater in the afterlife. Or so I thought.

Author's Note - As this is my first story ever, please try to ignore the gaps in the story as I just got home from school and had this idea on the bus. The next chapter is gonna introduce Michigan to teams RWBY and JNPR. Anyways, have a good day everyone!

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