(Part 2) Fateful Arrival

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Michigan's PoV -  I wake up in a field, completely disoriented and confused. I try to stand up but fail considering I only have one leg now. I see the AK-47 I used to kill the IL (ISIS Leader). I shimmy over to the rifle and pull out the magazine to see how many rounds are left. Deeming it worthy enough until it becomes an overly complicated baseball bat to be my weapon. 

A growl sounds off to the left, causing Michigan to look over.

Michigan's PoV -   I see a wolf-like creature growling at me, and I aim my rifle at it while turning towards it. It decides to lung at me, so I open fire on it, the 7.62 rounds tearing through it easily. I make a makeshift prosthetic leg out of wood and stones, before hearing gunshots to my west, causing my interest to peak. So I do what any sane man would do and begin to hobble towards the commotion.

Ruby Roses PoV -  My team and I are fighting off about one hundred Grimm, and I see movement out of the corner of my eye, but I ignored it. Bullets start to fly over our heads as whoever is shooting is aiming at the Grimm, and we all turn to see a man dressed in camouflage and holding a strange looking rifle.

Michigan's PoV -  I start firing at the strange black creatures that are attacking the four girls I found, and after firing all of the rounds from my magazine, I eject it and place it in my vest for use later. I see all four girls turn towards me and I realize that I still have my rifle raised, so I bring it down to my side and clip it to my vest. I speak out, attempting to hide the youth that's still in my voice considering I lied during conscription. "Identify yourselves!" They suddenly raise their strange looking weapons at me, and I pull out my combat knife, showing I won't go down without a fight.

Ruby Roses PoV -  The man, or should I say teenager tells us to identify ourselves and we raise our weapons, thinking he's an enemy. But he pulls out a small combat knife in response, and we lower our weapons. "We're team RWBY of Beacon Academy, who are you and where do you come from?" The man puts the knife away, and reaches up to his helmet, which has a face mask that hides his entire face. He pulls it off, and shocks us with how young he is, before responding with:

Cut to Michigan's PoV - "Private First Class Michigan Riot of the United States Army, now can one of you please tell me where I am?" 

Ruby Roses PoV -  We explain to him that he's in the Emerald Forest, and that he should come with us to get his leg, or rather where his leg should be, but Michigan made a temporary prosthetic out of some branches, stones and vines that hold it all together. After some heated discussion Michigan agrees to go back to Beacon with us.

Michigan's PoV -  Ruby explains everything from who they are and where we're located to how they can fix my leg. After a few minutes of discussion with the two teams I agree to go to a place called Beacon with them. 

M stands for Michigan and so on so forth.

Bolded text with " is a characters thoughts.

(M) "So how far away from here is Beacon?"

(R) "A few miles, we'll get there by taking a Bullhead."

(M) "What the f*#k is a Bullhead?"


(M) "Sorry" "Jeez, I wonder why she's so angry."

The Bullhead lands and everyone boards it. Everyone stands and talks to each other, but Michigan collapses.

(R) "Oh my gosh are you okay?"

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