(Part 3) Initiation

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(Michigan's Pov) - I wake up on the floor, exactly where I dozed off. Except I'm not feeling uncomfortable, I realize that I'm underneath a blanket, and that one of the girls is laying on top of me, the real question is, who? 

He looks down at hist chest to see Blake laying on top of him and she... purring?

(M) - *Whispering* Blake, wake up. Wake up Blake, damnit how did this happen to me? And why is she purring?! 

(Blakes PoV) - I wake up to someone gently shaking me and whispering to me. I slowly open my eyes and see that Michigan is awake and trying to get me up. Then I notice that I was purring, and I get embarrassed and quickly apologize before getting out from underneath the blanket we were sharing.

(B) - S-Sorry Michigan, I didn't mean to wake you up. I just saw you laying on the floor without a blanket and thought that you were a bit cold.

(M) - It's fine Blake, I was a bit cold anyways. I gotta get ready for my initiation at the cliffs today. Also, I have a question for you.

(B) - O-Okay, what is it?

(M) - How and why were you purring while laying on top of me?

Author's note - Yes he's kinda dense. I just find that that makes it easier to write a book in my opinion. 

(B) - Well, I-I'm a cat faunus, and I'll explain why after your initiation. 

(M) - Speaking of which, I'm gonna get ready for that now. I'll talk to you after.

Michigan puts on his boots, vest, and his helmet while clipping his mask to his belt. He grabs some 7.62 ammo from a box that Ozpin had delivered for him early in the morning so he can use his AK-47. After all this, he says his goodbyes to Team RWBY and sets out for the cliffside to meet Ozpin and Professor Goodwitch.

(M) - Later guys!

(RWBY) - Bye Michigan!

*Time Skip to the cliffs brought to you by chibi Blake curled up on chibi Michigan's chest*

(M) - I'm here Headmaster Ozpin. 

(OZ) - Ah, good to see you Mr. Riot. Normally we don't livestream the initiation, but since it's an important occasion, we're going to do so. That way the other year one students can see if you belong here.

(M) - Great, so no pressure?

(OZ) - Hopefully not. Step onto a platform when you're ready.

(M) - Good thing I brought a parachute. Hopefully I packed it right.

3rd PoV - Ozpin starts the livestream and introduces Michigan, before starting the countdown on the platforms, while every year one student is gathered in the mess hall to watch the livestream.

(Michigan's PoV) - I'm flung into the air by the platform and I immediately open my parachute so that I don't die on impact, and I pull the pack off when I land, and I pull out my AK-47 to scan the surrounding area.

(Mess Hall PoV) - Everyone sees the faceless student get launched, and Team CRDL is laughing about how the student won't survive the landing, but to their disappointment he has a parachute and lands safely. They see him look around before pulling out something similar to a scroll, and select a song on it (The Warrior Song used by the United Kingdom pls don't sue me if I'm wrong) and start moving towards the ruins that contain the relics.

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