chapter two: why is everyone here hot?!

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y/n's pov:

 we walked up to the cathedral and along the way I discussed weather I could climb the wall up instead of climbing the stairs. but paimon sadly stopped me before I could go. as we reached near the cathedral. amber talked to us and I took some more notes down about what's going on 

1. the dragons name is stormterror 

2. the (acting) grand master jean is the head of the knights (sounds pretty strong

"oh and before I forget! I have the the present for you two, a wiiinndd gliiddeerr!" ( que cheesy reveal music ) 

"uhhhh what do we do with it? " we both asked at the same time. 

"oh uh right the people of mondstat use these to glide around! here just follow my instructions and you'll be a natural in no time!" aether was swift to get it on while I had some trouble getting it on. luckily amber noticed and said "here let me help you out with that.."

 I was caught by surprise when she wrapped her arms around my chest and stomach to adjust it. I started getting more and more flustered. it wasn't until she pressed her body up against me to tighten it I thought 'ohgodohgod a cute girl is this close to me I can't udcniuavlfbnvfdu.' "she let go of me and said "there all better! how does it feel?" my dumbs meant to say "yup feels alllright!" what I actually said was "d-dont worry I-im satisfied" luckily this girl is to cute and innocent  to notice anything and says "alright you two now glide to the plaza!" it wasn't until I noticed a jealous look on aethers face as he grabbed my arm and said "lets go together in 3...2...1!" we jumped off and heard amber cheering us on along the way down everything seemed so perfect until a storm blew and the houses shook. 

we looked up only to see stormterror. we landed and watched as storm terror brought chaos to the city. me, aether, and amber tried to run but aether and I got swept up by a tornado into the sky! luckily we activate out wind gliders and started to glide. "h how are we staying afloat?!" seems as though paimon was floating beside us two. the we heard a mysterious voice say "im preventing your fall with the power of a thousand winds. now concentrate and see yourself grasping the wind, and harness its energy." we followed the voices instructions and felt a lot of damage to the dragon. but in the end he got away. I started to lose my balance and my wind glider closed in on itself and I started free falling "Y/N!!" paimon and aether called out for me I closed my eyes a thought 'well I guess this is the end (again) 

"hey I think they are waking up!" 

"are they okay?" 

"paimons getting a bit worried" 

"oh please, im sure they are just fine they seem very strong"

I started regaining consciousness and felt something.... soft? but cold? and it smelled of vanilla and wine. I opened my eyes only to see a beautiful blue haired man holding me in his arms "that was quite the fall you took there, are you okay darling~?" 

I fainted again. and then woke up looking into is eyes seeing a smirk on his face I could conclude that this man came from the heavens. "ah sorry I guess I must have been shocked from the fall.. but im fine thank you for asking." I hoped out of his arms and turned around to see amber, aether, and paimon. "oh y/n this is keaya our Calvary captain."  amber had already explained the whole story to kaeya.  "y/n welcome to mondstat although you haven't arrived at the best of times... but first on behalf on all of the knights of favonius I would like to extend our thanks to you" "oh well me an y/n just couldn't let the situation to fester" aether once again grabbed on to my arm a could smell the scent of jealousy again. kaeya had decided to take us to the acting grand master jean. 

we entered the room and met the acting grand master and the librarian Lisa. and my god I couldn't tell who was the most attractive in the room... 

the kind aether, 

the perky amber, 

the sly kaeya, 

the brave jean, 

or the intimidating Lisa. 

ooh why is everyone here hot! I suddenly snapped back to reality and joined in on their conversation "and so it we take out these three points we can weaken his power at the source which are located in the four temples. the two travelers will accompany Lisa, amber, and kaeya at each temple. aether and y/n.. is that alright?" aether nodded but I on the other hand had to speak "yes mama, I mean mommy! I MEAN MA"AM" they all laughed luckily "aww don't worry cutie we all make mistakes" Lisa patted me on the head. and now here is a quick summary of what went down:


1.really fun to hang around her she really has a lot to say!

2.very energetic

3. her explosive bunny got near me once or twice but I should be fine... I think


1.encouraged me during the fight 

2. I fell into his arms (again)

3. but he offered to give me some one on one training


1.she was a bit to close sometimes

2.she kept saying ara ara~

3. profesional rock climber

4. but overall very smart, I admire her a lot

and so the four of us finished up and headed back to mondstat. but our crazy adventure had just begun! 

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