Ch.1 Meeting Louis and Aasim

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Xavier Pov
I was walking through the woods in search of and Delta soldiers that were remaining when I overheard a conversation.

Delta 1- These two fuckers are from Ericson's we'll get some more attention from the boss if we bring them in.
Delta 2- Hell yeah let's do it
You see two unconscious boys who look about your age.
Xavier- Hmph. Delta and 2 kids from that school who blew up their boat
You decide to help them by suddenly taking out your bow and shooting one of the in the neck causing him to fall. The second one looks back and since you're an assassin you're incredibly fast he turns around to see you in his face with your sword up to his neck.
Xavier- Well well well Delta huh
Delta 2- Shit.....
Xavier- So you know who I am?
Delta 2- Yeah you're Shadow the assassin
Xavier- That's right so you ready to die
Before he could say anything you stab him in the head and turn to the other soldier and kill him as well
Louis pov
I wake up and see a guy around my age standing over 2 bodies looking at me
Louis- yo.... you're not gonna kill me right?
???- Nah you're from Ericson's right?
Louis- Yeah is my buddy ok
???- Yeah just unconscious is all he'll be alright
Louis- well thanks man ...umm what should I call you
???- I go by shadow but you can call me Xavier
Louis-well thanks Xavier
Xavier-No problem
Aasim wakes up and sees them talking
Louis- Hey man you're up this is Xavier he saved us
Aasim- Thank you
Xavier- No problem
Louis- Why don't you come back with us I'm sure our leader would love to meet you
Xavier- eh why not I got nothing better to do

With that they walk off back to Ericson's

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