Ch.3 Hunting Name

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Xavier POV
I wake up and feel something on my chest. I look down and see Clementine still sleeping (she looks adorable when she sleeps) I think to myself. I try and move but she just tightens her grip on me, so I just go with it and sit there until she wakes up.
2 hours later
Clem's Pov
I wake up and see Xavier sleeping still
(Cute) I thought to myself. I get up and see Aj is already gone probably playing with Tenn.
Clem- Xavier wake up
Xavier- Hmm... 10 more minutes
Clem- No now sleepy head
Xavier- (groans) fine.... Your no fun
Clem-Fun can wait till later right now we have stuff to do
Xavier- Alright I'll be up out in a bit

Clem walks out the room while Xavier gets dressed.
Clem Pov
As I'm walking to find Aj I hear someone call my name. I turn around to see Gabe.....(oh God what now) I think to myself
Gabe- Clem.... Hey can we talk
Clem- About what
Gabe- Me and you
Clem- you cannot be serious after that shit you did yesterday I'm surprised I even let myself talk to you
Gabe- look I know I messed up but give me a chance. I'll show you I'm better than Xavier in every way possible
Clem- Yeahhhhh No I need to go find Aj so if you'll excuse me
Gabe grabs Clem's wrists and kisses her.. Little did he know Louis and Violet saw everything
Xavier Thoughts- I walk out and I'm instantly regretting staying here I see Clem and Gabe KISSING......
Xavier- Yo! WTF IS GOING ON!
Gabe- She kissed me I swear on it!
Clem- bullshit! he kissed me plz Xavier
Xavier-I need space right now (Xavier walks off out to the courtyard)
Louis- we have to tell him what happened
Violet- yeah
Gabe- Clem he doesn't care for you like I do be with me instead
(She storms off crying)
In the courtyard
We see Xavier sitting alone in tears
Clem with Aj crying
Gabe with Kate and Javi
Omar cooking
Willy with Tenn keeping watch
El and Ruby talking about Medical stuff
And Louis and Violet walking towards Xavier

Violet- Hey Xavier
Xavier- yeah Violet
Louis- we saw everything
Xavier- what do you mean?
Violet- With Gabe and Clem
Louis- He forced it on her she didn't want to make you upset... She loves you
Xavier sits in silence thinking about what to do
Xavier- Shit.... She's crying isn't she
Violet- Hasn't stopped
Xavier gets up and walks towards Clem and Aj
Aj- Xavier!! (He shouts in excitement)
Xavier- Hey buddy let me talk to Clem for a bit
Aj- okay
Xavier- Clem....look I'm sorry. I jumped to conclusions and immediately thought to you kissed him.. Louis and Violet told me what happened. Again I'm sorry for yelling and losing me temp-
He's cut off  by Clem kissing him
Clem- it's okay.... I understand why you thought that... He just annoys me with always asking to be with me
Xavier- Well now he has no need to because you have me... Now where's that smile I know and love
She looks up and smiles
Xavier- there it is. Now I think the food is almost done so we should head over there
Clem- sure thing Dork
Louis- Hey bro want to hunt with me and Aasim
Xavier- sure thing
Aj-can I come too
Xavier looks at Clem
Clem- I need you to help me with fishing
Clem and Aj walk off leaving you Louis and Aasim
Xavier-Alright let's go
Louis- no no no not yet
Xavier and Aasim- why not
Louis- we need a team name
Aasim- oh God
Xavier- how about TEAM 3 STAR
(get the reference)
Louis- hell yeah
Aasim- sure I guess now let's go

A/N here is chapter 3 hope y'all like it

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