Xavier's mental state

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Xavier Pov
Clem and everyone are eating while I'm standing at a distance
( What the fuck do I do...... I've just met these people and I'm in love with one and care for the rest like family but I haven't told them shit about my abilities they've only seen me speed or power blitz..... Nothing about my flame control or me being a cryomancer... Or my beserk side that rarely happens last time that it happened was when I lost my friend Justin cuz of Delta.... God I miss him.)
Louis- Hey Clem
Clem- yeah
Louis- I think Xavier is crying
Gabe- Serves him right he's such a bitch
Omar- But he's bodied you twice in a fight and stole Clem from you
Gabe- shut it fat fuck
Omar- I may be fat but I'm the one who cooks here so you better watch who you're talking to
Gabe-wanna go
Louis- you just love getting your ass kicked
Violet- Hey so are we just gonna ignore the fact the Xavier is breaking down over there
With Clem and Xavier
Clem- Baby what's wrong
Xavier-.... I'm a monster
Clem- No you're not
Xavier-.... You have no idea what I've done or what I'm capable of
Clem- I have time tell me
Xavier- Before I became an assassin I was taken from my parents and made a test subject.... In order to make me cooperate they killed them and I did everything they said..... You've seen my speed and strength but that's only the beginning I can make flames from my body.... I'm a cryomancer ...... Then there's my beserk side which only happened once....
Clem is now holding you as cry on her shoulder
Clem- I accept you for who you are not what you've done.... Plus Aj loves you more than anything well besides me of course
Xavier- Thanks babe
Clem- Don't worry about it. I'll be in my room if you need me
Xavier- I'll be there soon
Clem- Okay
She walks off towards the dorms
Gabe- Imagine crying like a bitch
Javi- Didn't you cry when you lost Mariana
Xavier- I'ma.......  Just go
Gabe- No asshole
Xavier- (sigh) what now
Gabe- we still have a score to settle
AJ- If you touch him again I'll kill you
Gabe- so you need Aj to defend you
Xavier- No I don't I've beaten the fuck out of you twice now next time I won't guarantee you'll be alive anyways.... Aj time for bed bud
AJ- Clem didn't tell you
AJ- I'm staying the night with Tenn and Louis
Xavier- Got it bud have fun
AJ- Also can I call you dad....?
Xavier- (smiles) Of course you can bud I'll think of a name for you
AJ- (smiles) okay! Night Xavier
Xavier- Night
Javi- Hey Xavier can we talk
Xavier- sure....
Javi- Look I know Gabe is a pain in the ass and I'm sorry for it... I just hope his behavior doesn't effect our relationship as friends and survivors
Xavier- Sure thing Javi my opinion on you never changed
Javi- thanks Xavier I appreciate it
Xavier- No problem night Javi... I got something to do
Javi- alright
Xavier- (eyes turn blue and ice starts to form around his hands) Ha.. still got it
Clem- Hey babe it's late you coming!!!
Xavier- Yup! On my way

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