CH 8: Night on the town

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We finally arrived in town, I was surprised how far the mansion was from town. It felt like it took us two hours to get here. But I can understand why, I mean when you have a community of vampires and your trying to keep a low profile a big mansion in the middle of nowhere is the perfect place to keep a low profile. I looked out the window and saw the well lit streets and the citizens of Gimmfalls just passing by unaware of what is living under their noses. Man to think not even a week ago I used to be just like them, oblivious to the fact that supernatural creatures exist and I am one of them. We are here sir, Benny said. I shrugged off my thoughts and replied, thank you Benny. We pulled into a small and secluded area so that way no one would see me. He got out of the limbo to walk over and opened the left door to let me out. I climbed out of the limbo with my hoodie in hand. as Benny closed the door, I noticed a familiar smell in the air. I looked around to try to pinpoint where it was coming from. I looked over at Benny and then I realized that the smell was coming from him. it was then that I remembered that James smelled the same way that he smells. I wonder, could he be like James? excuse me for asking this, but are you a zombie by any chance, I whispered to him. he looked around the area to make sure no one was around to hear us and replied, yes sir, I am a zombie. I wasnt surprised too surprised this time, I had a feeling he was some kind of supernatural. I dont think Vincent would hire a normal person to be his limbo driver. I hope thats ok with you, I know a lot of vampires dont like zombies working for them, he said. I quickly replied, oh no its ok, I dont care what you are. I appreciate you driving me here tonight thank you. He looked shocked to hear me say that, I guess the vampires at the mansion treat him like dirt. he checked his watch and said, well look at the time, you need to be on your way. When you are ready to head home, I will be waiting right here sir. I shook his hand and replied, ok I shouldnt be long. And please just call me Demitri from now on. he nodded his head and said, yes sir I mean Demitri, it wont happen again. we stopped shaking hands and he went back into the drivers seat of the limbo. I started walking out of the empty parking lot. I walked for a while, I was breathing in the fresh winter air and looking around my surroundings as if I havent been here I havent been in town for years. I didnt understand why I was feeling this way. I guess it was because Ive cooped up at the mansion for so long that it has felt like forever since that I got turned into a vampire. Well whatever the case Im just glad to be out and about. I continued walking until I was in the town square. I quickly put on my hood and started walking the square still looked the same. It has the big fountain in the middle with the benches around it for people to take a break from walking. I walked over to one of the benches and sat down. I looked around the plaza and saw all the people just walking around just minding their own business. Man this brings back memories. I remembered that this is where Amy and I had our 3rd date. I was so nervous that night that I thought that I was going to pass out. That was the night I asked her to be my girlfriend. She was the most beautiful girl that I ever saw. I quickly shook of the nostalgia and wonder what I could do tonight. I looked around at all the stores until I saw a new building that I havent seen before. It was called The Java Hut, then it hit me. I remember seeing advertisements for this coffee shop a while back. I guess they must of finished construction two weeks ago. Hmmm, I wonder if I can still taste other liquids besides blood. Maybe its a good time to try it out. I stood up and walked over to the coffee shop. I opened the door and luck was on my side, there was no one inside other than the works. I looked around the shop and I was amazed at how big it was inside. I walked over to the cashier and she said, good evening sir, how can I help you, she asked with a positive tone. I looked up at the menu and said, let me get a venti French vanilla cappuccino with 2 sugars please. She was pushing buttons on the cash register and replied, ok that will be $2.45. I reached into my hoodie pocket and pulled out my wallet. I should have at least a 5 dollar bill in here. I opened my wallet to grab the money, and I was surprised at what I saw. There wasnt just 5 dollars, there was at least 300 dollars in here, I wonder where it came from? I guess Vincent must of put it in here just in case I needed it. I quickly pulled out the money from my wallet and paid her. She took the money and rang up my order. As she was about to hand me the change back, I said, you can keep the change. She replied, thank sir, your order is coming right up. She put the change into her apron and began to make my cappuccino. While I was waiting, I was thinking of what else I can do tonight, I know their isnt a lot to do in town, well at least for me considering I have to keep a low profile and all. Then it hit me, I can take a walk through the park. Usually no one goes there at this time of night and I can go visit our secret spot. The barista said, here you go sir and have a good night. I crabbed my coffee and replied thank you and the same to you. I walked out of the coffee shop and looked at my coffee, well here goes nothing, I said to myself. I took a sip of my it and to my surprise and joy, it tasted so good. I guess vampires can still enjoy the sweet and bitter taste of coffee. I took one more sip and began down the path to the park. I walked down the dim lit street until I stopped at a crosswalk. As I crossed the street and continued down the path, I could clearly see the park entrance. I walked inside the park and I couldnt believe how different it was at night than it was during the day. I turned and took the trail on the right, it should take me straight there. As I walked and drank my coffee, I was appreciating at how nice and quiet it was. Normally during the day it would be loud and full of people. But at night it was peaceful, I could get use to this. I continued walking, It shouldnt be far now to our spot, suddenly I heard a loud scream coming from the clearing on the left of the trail. I slowly walked over to investigate and to my surprise, I saw three men cornering a innocent woman. all right sweet heart hand over your purse and no one will get hurt, the tall man in the middle. please dont, I have a family please. HELP, SOMEONE PLEASE HELP! the innocent woman screamed. I quickly turned around so I can think about what to do, if I go help her I could risk being discovered. But if I dont help her those men could do god knows what to here. Then I heard her scream again, SOMEONE HELP! with out a seconds thought, I threw down my coffee and ran into the clearing to help her. HEY LEAVE HER ALONE, I yelled intimidatingly. As they turned around and noticed me. I knew right then and there, that my fun night out was over and it turned into a nightmare.

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