Ch 2. Awakening

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When I woke up, my body felt very cold. Next thing I saw there was nothing but darkness all around and staring right at me. Then, I started to feel warmth, which is weird considering I'm in the afterlife? Suddenly, I saw a bright light. I closed my eyes as it consumed me. I slowly opened my eyes; with my vision being a little blurry. My vision finally returned to normal. Then, I suddenly remembered what happened and I quickly sat up. I jumped out of the bed I was laying in and walk over to a nearby mirror that was hanging on the wall. I looked into the mirror, looking for any injuries on my neck. To my surprise, I found nothing. No marks, no dried blood, nothing. Then, I noticed I was wearing different clothes. I was wearing a white long sleeved button up shirt, with black dress pants and black socks. I quickly looked up and see that I'm in a nice looking room with a lit fire place. I walk over to an empty chair and I sit down into it. I laid my head into my hands. I sat there, trying to figure out what's going on. Then, I heard the door open. I quickly looked up and saw that man again. He looked at me with a gentle smile on his face and says, "I am so glad to see that you're awake. I was afraid you wouldn't wake up". He walked into the room; I quickly jumped out of my seat and slowly stepped back. The man looked at me with his hands up and acknowledged him, "I'm sorry, where are my manners. My name is Vincent Angelo." I slowly but cautiously walked over to him and took his hand. I reply, "I'm Demitri venator". "Good to meet you, Mr. Venator", marveled Vincent. He leads me back to the chair I was sitting in and says, "please have a seat." I take his kind offer and sit back down. He sits in the chair next to me and looks at me. "I bet you are full of questions and I would be happy to answer them." I looked at him and demanded answers from him. "I just have two questions, what happened to me last night, and what did you do to me?" He got up out of his seat and walked over to the fire place. He gazed into the fire for a moment and asked, "what do you know about vampires?" I looked at him confused and began pondering what that has to do with what I've asked him. So, I responded to Vincent's question, "I've only heard children's stories and I know that they don't exist in the physical realm." He began to laugh; I was wondering what's so funny. I asked him, "why are you laughing?" He calmed down and answered, "sorry, I always get the same answer every time I ask that question. But, I can assure you that it's the wrong answer. They do exist." I looked at him, more confused than ever. I wonder, "how you know they exist and what does this have to do with what I've asked you?" He took a deep breath and sighed, quickly turned around and what I saw was unbelievable. His eyes were glowing red and suddenly he had real long fangs. "Because, I've turned you into a vampire". Upon hearing this, I was in fear of what I was looking at. I've always thought vampires were just in stories and films. You know stuff of myths and legends. Never did I think that I would actually see a real vampire standing right in front of me. Suddenly, I just remembered something he said earlier. I asked him, "did you just say you turned me into a vampire?" He looked at me with those piercing red eyes and nodded his head. I was in shock, looking down at my hands I could see that they were shaking with fear. I sat there for a few seconds, trying to get over the initial shock of what I've been told. Then I heard him walking towards me. I quickly jumped out of my seat and I slowly walked back. I shouted, "STAY BACK!" His eyes turned back to brown and his fangs went back to normal. Vincent assured me to everything I witnessed, "just relax; everything is going to be OK. I can help you." I looked at him with caution. Then, i looked at the corner of my eye at the door. He slowly started to walk towards me. I quickly ran to the door. I opened the door and ran out the room. Running through the dark hallway trying to find a way out, I turned a corner and found a railing. I looked down and saw a big dining room with a crystal chandelier hanging from above. Then I looked around until I found the stairs. I ran to the stairs and quickly walked down. I got to the bottom and ran to the front door. Grabbing the handle and was about to turn it when I heard a distinct familiar voice echoes, "I wouldn't do that if I were you!" I turned around and saw Vincent standing at the staircase. I look at him and tell, "WELL, YOUR NOT ME AND I'M NOT LIKE YOU!" He looked at with concerned eyes and said, "please, let me help you." I looked at him for a second and I boasted, "sorry, but I don't believe you." I turned and opened the door. He cried out, "NO DON'T!" When I opened the door, I saw the sunlight. It felt so warm on my skin. I suddenly felt like something was burning on my arm. I quickly looked down at my arms and saw that they were on fire. I fell to the ground in pain, trying to put myself out while I was screaming bloody murder. I quickly felt a hand grab my arm and pull me back into the house. I looked up and saw Vincent shutting the door. I tried to see who pulled me in, but my eyes haven't adjusted yet. I laid my head on the cold tiled ground and saw Vincent looking down at me. "What am I going to do with you?" He commented. He pulled a pocket knife out of his pocket and opened it up, and unbuttoned his left cuff on his shirt and started to fold up his sleeve. He quickly cut his wrist, kneeled down and lifted me up with his other hand that he didn't cut. "Next time, you listen to me OK," remarking to a stupid act I committed. With little energy I had left I nodded my head. He moved his bleeding wrist to me. I looked at it and I suddenly felt my throat drying up. I then felt something sharp in my mouth. It took a moment to realize that it was my teeth were coming out. Suddenly, as if it were by instinct I quickly bit his wrist. I started to suck his blood out of his wrist and the taste was good. It was like a sweet, liquid flood going through my mouth. It took me a second to remind myself that it was his blood. But I didn't care. I felt the dry sensation disappear. I felt my stomach being filled with his blood. Then, I heard him saying something, "OK, that's enough". In my mind I wanted to stop, but my body wouldn't listen. "DEMITRI STOP", he hollered and I slide away from him. I slowly turned myself over on my stomach, trying to pick myself up. But, it was no use. I was still weak from what happened. I hear footsteps coming closer to me, and then felt someone picking me up and putting me over their shoulder. Thought it was Vincent, I heard him request, "please take him back to his room so he can rest." The man who was holding me replied, "yes sir, master Vincent. I will take good care of him." Vincent replied, "thank you James". The man began to walk. The way he was carrying me felt like a deer that's just been hunted for dinner. Then, I smelled something awful. I looked around, wondering where that smell was coming from. I Heard a door opening, he walked into the room and laid me down on the bed and walked out of the room. I turned my head and I slowly closed my eyes. As I was laying in bed, I begin to think how my life was never going to be the same way again.

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