CH 5: The Escape

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I was lying on my bed, my memories of Amie flashing through my mind. I still cant believe that she is gone. It still feels like it was yesterday that we were laughing and talking about our plans to travel to Europe for the summer. I can still see her warm and beautiful smile as though I just saw her today. I cant deal with the unbearable pain that these memories are causing. Its like someone is reaching into my chest and squeezing my heart as hard as they can. I need a distraction to take my mind off these memories. I need to get out of the manner for a little bit. I could ask Vincent if I can leave, but I have a feeling he would say no. Hed probably say, Its not a good time for you to leave the manner, you are still in transition or something like that. Suddenly, I heard a knock at the door, I sat up and responded, come on in, its open. The door opened and it was James walking in with a glass of what I assumed was blood on a serving tray. James walked over to me and said, It is dinner time sir. He handed me the glass and I took a sip of the delicious liquid. Thank you James, I was kind of thirsty, I said with appreciation. James bowed his head and replied, It is my pleasure sir, would you like anything else? I wanted to ask him about Vincent, but I hesitant, I didnt want James to get suspicious and tell Vincent about what I was planning. If there is nothing else, I will take my leave sir, James said as he was turning to leave. I quickly stopped him and asked, Hey James, can I ask you a quick question? He turned around and replied back, Yes sir, what is your question? I have to be careful how I asked him; I dont want to raise any suspicion. He was standing there, waiting on my question. I asked him, I was wondering where Vincent was, I havent seen him in a while? He looked at me, with that blank expression on his face. I couldnt tell if he was suspicious or not. Master Vincent is not here, he is out on business this evening, he answered. I was feeling both excitement and relief. With Vincent out of the mansion, this will give me a window of opportunity to sneak out. Is there anything else I can do for you sir? James asked. I snapped out of it and replied, No, thats it. Thanks James. James bowed his head and walked out of the room. I quickly walked over to the closet to grab my shoes and my black hoodie. I put them on and I quickly walked to the door. I slowly opened the door and poked my head out. I had to make sure the cost was clear. I looked outside and saw no one around. Everyone must have been busy doing something else. I slowly walked out of the room and closed the door. I started to walk down the hall. I had to be on guard in case someone spotted me. I made it to the star case. I had to think about which way I should go. I cant go out the front door, there might be someone guarding the entrance. So my only option would be going out the back. I can use my vampire speed to cut through the forest. That should lead me back to grimfalls. I kneeled down and slowly walked down the back staircase that leads to the back yard. I made it to the last step of the stair case. I poked my head up to see if there was anyone around. So far I didnt see anyone. I quickened my pace straight to the twin glass doors. I exited out the doors and made my way to the gate that leads to the forest. I tried opening the gate, but it was locked. I stood there, examining the gate to see if there was a way I could get around. I thought about using my new strength to break the chain off. But I knew if I did that, I would be leaving evidence that I snuck out. My only other option is to try and hop over the fence. I took a couple of steps back to examine the fence. It was about 10 feet. I wondered if I could jump a fence that high. A normal person probably couldnt do it. But maybe a vampire could. I stepped back a little bit, enough to give me a running start. I hesitated for a minute, Ive never done something like this before, I wasnt that athletic back in school. I took a deep breath and without hesitation, I started to run. I still couldnt believe how fast I was running; maybe I should join the Olympics one day as a track star. I snapped out of my fantasies as soon as I saw the fence. As I got closer to the fence, I jumped so high that I could see the top of the fence. I quickly landed on my feet before I lost my balance and fell over on the ground. I looked up to see the fence I jumped over, I couldnt believe I just jumped over something that high. If only the jocks at my high school could see me now. I couldnt help but laugh at the thought. I regained my composer and picked myself up off the ground. I patted the dirt off my clothes. I looked around, trying to analyze the forest to see which way leads to the town. I saw the path that Vincent and I took my second night I was here. I dont think that would lead me to town. I decided to just cut through the forest on the north side, which should lead me to town. I started to walk through the bushes and began my trip to town. Ive been walking through the woods for an hour now. Im starting to think just going through the woods was a bad idea. I knew I should have paid attention when my dad took me camping, he always said that learning survival skills is important part of being a man, it will help you one day. I noticed a trail; I quickened my pace and made it out of the woods to the trail. I looked down and saw that the path splits down the middle with an old wooden sign with arrows pointing on each side. I tried to read what was on the sign. But I couldnt, the words were wiped away. I looked down both sides and I couldnt tell which side would lead me to town. I stood there for a minute, trying to decide which way I should go. Without hesitation, I decided to take the right side. I hoped this was the right way. Ive been walking for a while, and still no sign of town or anything. I knew I should have gone down the other path. But I guess its too late to turn back now. Suddenly, I heard a strange noise coming from the woods. I was conflicted, a part of me wanted to ignore it and continue on the path. But my curiosity got the better of me. I started to walk into the woods to investigate the strange sound; I walked aimlessly through the woods, wondering what made that strange sound. I stumbled upon clearing; I saw a dead animal in the middle of the clearing. I walked over to it and kneeled down so I can investigate. It was a dead mountain lion, so thats what made that sound. I didnt know mountain lions could make a sound like that. I noticed how it died; it looks like it was attacked by some kind of animal. I took a closer look, it didnt just look like it was just attacked, it looked like it was ripped to pieces. Whatever did this had razor sharp claws and has some sharp teeth. It also must have been very strong because it managed to rip this poor creature in half. I saw a blood trail that lead to the other half of the mountain lion on the other side of the clearing. I walked over to the other half and placed my first two fingers in a puddle of blood; I moved my fingers over to my nose and smelled the blood. I was surprised, it smelled fresh. Then something hit me. If this was fresh, that means it was a fresh kill. That means, whatever killed it must be. Suddenly, I heard movement coming from the bushes. I quickly jumped up to my feet to look around. I heard it again from another patch of bushes on my left. Whatever this thing was, it was really fast, I tried to see what it was. But I had no luck, it kept itself concealed and moving. I dont know what to do, I thought about fighting it. If this thing is an animal, I could probably hold my own against it. If Im strong enough to punch a hole in a tree, then Im strong enough to fight this. I looked around, trying to pin point where it is. Suddenly something hit me hard that I fell to the ground. I sat up, trying to find where it went. When I tried to pull myself up, I felt a sharp pain going through my left side. I looked down and saw claw marks that went through my clothes. I was bleeding out. I also noticed that I wasnt healing as fast as I usually do. Just what was going on, what the hell is this thing. I managed to pick myself up and I yelled, Whatever you are, come out and face me. Im tired of playing with you! I dont know why I was trying to talk to it. I mean, for all I know it could be a mindless animal. Suddenly, I heard a sound coming from the bushes on my right side. I looked over and what I saw was unbelievably the most terrifying thing Ive seen yet. It looked like it was 8 feet tall, with black fur from head to toe, a long snout with razor sharp teeth and long ears coming from his head. It also had long fingers with sharp black claws. I realized what Im seeing, but my mind couldnt process what it is. What was before me was again something I thought was a myth. I am looking at a werewolf.

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