chapter 1 (backstory)

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I was walking home on a regular day, my back aching like all hell because of the contents that were in my bag. Bloody Christ since when did I bring weights to school?! I traced my way to a little house that lay by itself, I casually strolled down the path that I helped my father build when I was a kid. I couldn't wait to lay on my bed and sleep after a long day of entrance exams for the college I wanna go to. I hope I get accepted, but that aside, i got a feeling of unease that was sending shivers down my spine.

I walked up to the door, and paused. I tapped it lightly and it creaked open.
something was I wandered into the kitchen and stopped in my tracks when I heard crunching and...chewing? "mom..?dad..?" I was expecting to see my mom and dad the first thing I came in, but instead, I came across a ghoul...feeding on my mother and father. I remember that ghoul from somewhere... It had its one ghoul eye concentrated on my family...and her normal one concentrated on me. I started to hyperventilate, causing it hard to breathe. I felt tears of frustration and sadness forming in my eyes. I sprinted towards the staircase before gripping onto the railing and catapulting my way upstairs.

I mustn't have been looking where I was going, because I missed a step and fell on my leg, getting a pretty nasty friction burn off of the carpet. I  sucked air through my teeth and let out a rainbow of curse words under my breath as I continued to dart up the stairs, and to my room.

I was floating around in the dark, as a high pitched frequency squealed in my ears, and static filled my mind... Is this real... Or just a dream?

I instantly woke up. In a room with little animals on the walls....a nice-looking woman walked up to me and said with a rather stern voice "hello there sweety .it's nice to meet you. I came here to ask you a few questions. First of all, to make it brief, Do you remember anything before you were found by that coffee shop?" I looked up at the woman and said shakily "n-no m-miss....I only r-remember my name..." she then looked at me with an understanding look on her face "what's your name then?" "It's (y/n)." I was only 13 when I was found, my parents who kindly adopted me, were now dead. The people who had looked after, and loved me... were gone. It was horrible...the people that loved me the most were taken from me in the time span of a day... But I have to stay strong, for them.

**end of flashback **

I kept a spare flip phone under my mattress, I hastily snapped it open and called Mr.Shinohara, my dad's colleague, and friend. I knew he worked for the CCG, so he could help me. I smashed on the tiny buttons while my hand was shaking, I heard loud banging and snarling from the opposite side of the door. I was way too underprepared and distraught to fight at the moment.

I held the phone to my ear followed by a friendly "hello?
I said "please help m-me! a-a ghoul a-attacked me and my family a-and t-t-they are all g-gone..!- he said "wait is this
(l/n)'s daughter?!- I said in a shaky voice "y-yes..!-" he said in a serious tone "I'm on my way!"

I dropped the phone and looked at the door that almost flattened me. I let out a blood curling jumped at me as I barely managed to dodge the left a huge gash along the right side of my arm, it started bleeding badly. I heard ringing... I grabbed my arm as the sensation of pain went through my body. I took a knife from my pocket and clicked a little button that was on the side of it, and jumped out of the window shielding my head most of glass.keyword. most. I held up the knife and forced it into the wall. I held my knife tightly after realizing I was now hanging off of a building. Great, how in the fuck am I gonna get down from here.

I looked towards the entrance to the garden seeing Shinohara and a white-haired guy sprinting towards my house, I looked down at them clinging onto the knife ,They then immediately looked up at me, Mr. Shinohara looked quite concerned while the white-haired guy looked like seeing someone hanging off of a building is a normal every-day occurance.

I felt pain everywhere. But I had to focus on how to get down from here. I felt my grip loosening from the knife. I felt my fingers slip off of the knife one by one, I felt myself fall, but before I hit the ground someone caught me.

My eyes were tightly closed when I opened them I looked up to see the guy who accompanied Mr. Shinohara. He was smiling right at me with his bright red orbs mostly concentrated on me. I'm assuming I looked quite miserable.

I mumbled "thanks..." I got up and looked at my arms and legs. They had little shards of glass sticking out of them, I felt a warm substance trickle from my head, when I reached up to to check what it was, I was met with blood.wonderful, my parents died, I have a concussion and multiple wounds! Fan-fucking-tastic.

A sudden wave of pain washed over me as the adrenaline wore off, my head pounding because of the supposed concussion I've had the pleasure of getting. I groaned as the blood from the gash in my arm dripped onto the ground.

The guy looked at me with what I thought was hint of what I thought was worry in his eyes, but was quickly replaced with an emotionless stare.he called over shinohara and I looked at the ground , I held my head in my hands and threw up on the ground and flopped forward, drifting into a haven of unconsciousness. I heard a distant yell "get the first aid kit!!" I could barely hear them, but a second later everything went dark.

I woke up almost instantly... I raised my head and opened my eyes quickly and asked "where am I?" A familiar face who seemed to be Mr Shinohara

I raised my head and looked around and it all hit me. That ghoul... Killed my parents and destroyed the only thing I had. I'm gonna find that bitch and make sure she wishes that she was never born.

Tears of sadness,frustration, and anger cascaded down my face as I silently cried. I quickly wiped my tears and internally scolded myself. You need to stay strong (y/n), do it for your mom and dad.

I looked over to my arm to where the gash was made by that random ghoul .it was lined in red stitches, which were embroidered into my skin with expertise, a little flower embroidered right below my gash. damn I didn't know they had expert embroiderers at hospitals... There's literally no way...

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