chapter 2

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I felt myself being dragged down a rough floor... I opened my eyes and registered my surroundings... Grey murky walls... I was in the basement...oh no.. mother is angry again... I suggenly got slammed against a rough surface and I gasped at the sudden impact

I jolted awake at the nightmare I just had, panting heavily. Was it just a nightmare? I then heard light knocking on the door. Mr Shinohara then entered, and he smiled slightly, making me feel a little better.

He started "hello miss (l/n). I am very sorry for your loss. But we were going to ask you... a few weeks ago actually...would you like to join the CCG ....we know you haven't attended the academy, but we are offering the training since you have very high potential. your father has been training you so that when he..* ahem* is no longer... present, you could take his place, and I promised him I'd look after you... Also, you will be sharing an apartment with me and my partner, if that's ok. It's the safest place for you, at the moment, with your injury." After school, my father would always teach me combat...I had a knife he made for me, it was the one that I used to get away from that ghoul before it could munch down on me like a damn burger.

I nodded and then turned to him and asked "Hey um, shinohara I was wondering if I could get my knife back? You know the one I was hanging from that was in the wall of my house?"

"Ah,yes! Juuzou actually got that for you, he's waiting at home at the moment waiting for us to come back. He's gonna give it back once we get there." He gave me a reassuring smile which I returned. So thats what that guy's name is. Cool.

I stared up at the stitches that were laced through my skin. I couldn't help but smile, admiring how beautiful they look. There was no doubt in my mind that whoever made them was artistically gifted.

A nurse came in with confirmation of my discharge from the hospital, which was going to be tomorrow morning. I couldn't wait to get back to some form of normality.

But...I'll still miss them...


In the morning, I was escorted by Mr Shinohara down the busy halls of the hospital as I took in the smell of medicine and cleaning chemicals.

We both waltzed up to the reception, and Mr Shinohara then signed me out.

As we were walking towards the car,  Mr Shinohara then spoke "we are going to go to your place to collect your things then to the apartment you're going to be staying from now on, unless we need to move to another ward for investigations." I nodded and climbed into th car, just hoping to get this over and done with.

I looked out the window and saw my little cottage that was once my home. I opened the door and stepped out for a second to remember what had happened to my family. Tears formed in my eyes, but as soon as they dared to roll down my face I furiously rubbed them away.

Mr Shinohara walked around the car and stood beside me "kid, it's gonna be ok. I promise. We better get packing up all your stuff." I nodded sadly and faintly smiled. I wandered up the path to the door. I felt a bit nervous, I fiddled the key into the door, pushing it open, I walked up the stairs and went into the closet to retrieve my suitcase.

it was (f/c)
With scribbles on it. I unzipped it and stuffed my clothes, boots, shoes and pyjamas into it. I then took my iPad and laptop and placed them in the suitcase.i grabbed my headphones and put them around my neck so I could listen to music on the way to my new home. I took my plushies, posters, a couple of boxes of art supplies, makeup and some books and put them into the suitcase. I looked over to a baseball bat on the wall and shrugged before going to get it thinking that it might come in handy at some point. I grabbed my cellphone from under my pillow and put it in my pocket, and grabbed all my chargers for my devices and shoved them in the suitcase.

Damn I'm gonna miss this place alot... Why did things have to go to shit when I was finally starting to piece my life together and be happy?

I open my eyes, trying to register my surroundings, failing greatly seeing as it's pitch black. I sit up, instantly regretting the action, feeling an excruciating pain in my side.i use my small hands to feel my torso, a huge cut being there. I suddenly start to drift off into slumber once again...why mama?

**end of flashback**

Why do I feel as though that's happened before? I went back to zipping up my bag and lazily carrying it down the stairs, just wanting to get to my new room so I can sleep myself into a coma. That juuzou guy seems interesting... I quickly shaked the thought out of my head and focused on something else.

this is gonna feel so fucked up

Guess You're Just Gonna Have To Deal With Me Now(Juuzou Suzuya X  Reader)Where stories live. Discover now