The Volunteer Opportunity

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I watch hundreds of people come into this arena every year, but overtime all the faces seem to blur together. It's the same tall, dark haired, narssitic volleyball player just in different fonts.

I've learned to block it all out and just focus on my job. Which is to hand out concessions to the people watching the game and occasionally help the teams playing with water bottles and such. It was a volunteer opportunity and of course took it. When my counselor told me about volunteering to do concessions for the high school volleyball tournament I didn't expect the next events to occur.

Next up is Aoba Johsai vs. Karasuno. About halfway through the game my friend Arabella comes up to me with updates on the game "y/n this game is a real nail biter! They have that one really cute guy on their team. Uh i think his name was Oikawa or something. Don't you get to talk to all the players or something back here?" "Woah slow your roll Bella I just get to fill up there water bottles and give them the occasional snack its not really a romantic getaway." Y/n smiles. "It still is kind of nice getting to talk to the pretty ones." Suddenly a rumble of people comes from exit of the gym." I better get out of your hair I think the game finished." Bella says. "Bye dork ill text you when i get home Bells."

As Arabella walks away you see a member of Aoba Johsai exit the court and come in your direction. "What's a pretty girl like you doing handing out water?" Stunned by the random tall mans compliment you take a step back. " It's a volunteer credit" you say with a bit of caution. "Well i don't believe we've been properly introduced. I am Toru Oikawa but the ladies call me Oikawa. What's your name?" I am in shock with the amount of ego radiating off of this man but still I say-"y/n".  " Ah y/n a perfect name for a perfect girl it makes sense. I took the liberty of writing my number on this paper so give me a call if you feel up for it."

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