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    STRANGE WAS THE FIRST thing that appeared in Janeesha's mind when the person on the other line of the call introduced herself as Mrs. Marvin—her former High School teacher.

Especially when the former teacher was calling to be most likely her client. She tried being professional and not asking her a lot of questions because it would eventually come out when they meet up.

The noise of the diner's bell rang throughout the small space, succeeded in releasing Jas from her train of thoughts. Looking up from her coffee mug, she made eye contact with Mrs. Marvin herself.

Rising from her seat then raising her hand, suddenly feeling nostalgic like she was back in her classroom, wanting to be ambitious answering all her questions. The middle-aged woman offered her a small nod with a smile as if knowing her thoughts.

"Hello, Mrs. Marvin," Jas greeted politely as the older woman arrived at her table.

"Please call me Pamela, sweetheart. We're not in class anymore," answered Pamela, as they both sat on their seats.

Jas observed her as Pamela removed her coat, she couldn't help but noticed the way the older woman flinched as she called her Mrs. Marvin.

After Pamela ordered her coffee and bagel, Jas asked her, "So, how have you been, Pamela?"

If this was just a meet up with a stranger, she would usually ask them straight to the point. What brought them here? What was it that they want her to do?

But Pamela was her homeroom teacher in her last year of High School, they were close as she was one of her favorite teachers. Jas owed it to her for not going mental in High School, so at least she had to begin with a small talk first

"I've been better if I'm being honest," she replied shakily, to which Jas nodded in return letting her continue.

"My husband and daughter died two weeks ago."

Widening her eyes, Jas was not expecting this, "I'm sorry, Mrs. Ma— Pamela, I didn't know."

"It's alright, sweetheart," Pamela said tenaciously, "That's why I asked for this meeting, I want you to find my family's murderer."


Pamela had explained to her that there was something wrong with the tragedy, how things just didn't match up.

"Please, tell me everything I need to know, and why do you think that there was a foul play on their deaths," Jas stated, pulling out her journal and pen to write down everything she needed.

𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐎, n. mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now