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    TO THE OUTSIDERS OF Mystic Falls, the town was a mystery. The frequency of leaked gas, the number of missing persons, and the mysterious death of its residents were enough for them to think that there gotta be something wrong with the small town. What they didn't know, Mystic Falls was equally a mystery to the residents too — at least to those who were not a believer or not a part of the town council.

Janeesha didn't know what to expect the moment she got off of her parents' private jet. She had imagined making up scenarios on her head while driving on the endless highways before. But now — looking at the bright side, she didn't have to be lost on her wandering mind for far too long. And the sooner she arrived at Mystic Falls, the sooner this case would be over — or so she thought.

Finally able to be inside her car again, the smell of leather succeeded in calming her nerves. The familiar ring tone from her work phone echoed in the small space. Jas quickly roamed her hand inside her purse until she found her work phone.

Not checking the caller ID, she immediately picked up as soon as she found the phone, "Demara," she stated impatiently at the receiver.

"That's not how you talk to your client, Janeesha," a strangely familiar voice spoke through the phone.

Checking the caller ID, sure enough, her mother's number showed on the screen.

"Good thing you're not my client, Mother," Jas replied with humor, "What do I owe this phone call?"

"Have you landed safely?"

"Yeah, although I wasn't expecting the sun to be five feet apart from my head," she answered, making the call on speaker before putting it down on the dashboard.

"That's a relief," her mother said as Jas put the seatbelt on.

Janeesha hummed in return — focusing on reversing her car, "So what's your plan?" asked her mother when silence entered.

She paused for a moment, "I'm going to check in to my Air BnB, then maybe going to look around for the crime site."

"Be careful there Janeesha," Sierra warned her oldest daughter.

"I always am mother," Jas responded, "Trust me."

"You better be, I won't have you come back not in one piece and give your old poor mother a heart attack."

Jas chuckled at her mother's dramatic, "You're not even close to being old, mom."

After a few minutes of talking — most of it filled with Sierra telling her what to do and what to avoid. She always did this whenever her daughter left New York. Growing up with no parents around, Sierra always made sure she gave her daughters — the greatest blessings in her life — her fullest attention and love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐎, n. mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now