The end

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Max's p.o.v

I fell down on my knees right outside the bus, nothing mattered anymore. A killer was after me and my daugher, half of my band was missing, my long lost best friend had stolen my girlfriend... The only girl I loved after Samantha died. I started to cry.

-What's wrong?

I looked up. It was Paige. She sat down on her knees in front of me.

-It's Shakina, right? Do you love her?

I sighed.

-I... Yeah, but she's with Ronnie...

-Little do I know about love, said Paige. But if she's with Ronnie, she probably loves him more than she loves you, and you can't take Lauras dad away from her again, I wouldn't want anyone to take you away from me.

I hugged her. She was so sweet and kind and clever, I was really proud to have her as my daughter.

-As long as I've got you, there is hope, I replied.

Then she frozed. I turned around and saw... The man! I whispered:

-Call the police and get them here quick, go inside and lock the door, do not wait for me! Run...

She ran inside and locked the door, and I got up and stared at the man.

-You have the guts to show up again, I started.

Then I heard a crash, and saw the man falling to the ground! I could barely believe my eyes when I saw who was standing beside him. It was my dear Samantha!

-Hello Max, she smiled. Don't worry because everything is alright now, and you kept your promise and found our daugher... I'll always be with you, and you will find love again, I promise <3

She vanished and I realised I had just seen a ghost! I ran over to the man and the police arrived, and arrested him in charge of murder and child abuse. When they left, Paige, Laura, Ronnie and Shakina came outside and hugged me. I decided I would forgive them, life is too short to be mad. Clayton found a couple of friends who wanted to be in the band with us, as long as we needed them. The tour was amazing and believe it or now, I felt a relief and for the first time, I was able to smile, and really mean it.

Max Greens daughterWhere stories live. Discover now