Dude where is she?

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Paige's p.o.v

Me and Jacky were walking, there was a beautiful park that we had found and we started walking through the park. There was only we there.

-It's late isn't it? asked I.

-Yeah, it's almost midnight, said Jacky.

-Damn... Dad is gonna be so upset, sighed I.

-Then we better start walking back, said Jacky.

We turned around and started to walk the same way back. When we came to the street, there was a lot of other peoples walking around. Jacky froze suddenly.

-What is it? asked I.

-Fans, you should uhm... go away, said Jacky.

I was very confused when he said so, was he ashamed of hanging out with me or what? I looked into the shadows and they scared me, I took his hand.

-I can't... I'm scared...

He pushed me away.

-I don't want them to believe there's something between us, so get lost!

He was shouting at me and I started crying and ran away. I didn't knew where I was, I didn't knew where to go so I just kept on running.

Max's p.o.v

I threw Falling in reverses tour bus open and they were partying in there, in a calm way though, they were just blasting music, eating popcorn and playing some card-games. Some of the guys had beers but they seemed quite sober. I spotted Laura sitting at a table and playing cards with Ronnie, Derek, Kriz and some girls I've never seen before. They were too calm to be fans though to they were probably friends of the band. But Paige wasn't there.

-Where is Paige? I yelled.

-Hey, there's no need to be upset... said Ronnie.

-A fucking murderer is after her, where the hell is she? said I, tried to sound calm.

-What the fuck? said Derek. Who and how do you know that person killed someon

-If I didn't told him where she was he would have killed Shakina, explained I. Why would anyone be that desperate to find her? It's gotta be the man that kidnapped her as a child and killed Samantha... Anyways I don't have time for this, I gotta find her before he does and I don't expect to to help me.

I ran out of the bus and continued searchingI was scared and furious at the same time. This time I couldn't let him get away, this time, I'd kill him.

People yelled after me but I didn't stopped running. There, finally a face that I recognized, Jacky. I stopped in front of him, panting and all sweaty. He looked calmly at me.

-Hey man, what's up? he asked.

-Dude, where is she? I asked.¨


Jacky looked terrified.

-I swear I didn't touch her! he said.

I grabbed his shoulders and shook him.

-What did you do to her?! The others told me she left with YOU! I yelled.

-You're pathetic Max, can't even control your daughter.

I turned around, it was that horrible man we had met in the bus! I dropped Jacky and started walking against the man, he laughed evily and held up a knife.

-I'm gonna kill you, like I did 14 years ago to your girlfriend! he smiled.

I stopped thinking, I had to do something. I started to run against him, but at the same time as I reached him, a police car with flashing lights came driving towards us. Somehow, the man stopped me, and pressed his knife against my throat.

-This ain't over, he said and then ran off.

I was too shocked from my near death experience to follow him, and paralyzed I looked at the police car. Two cops got out and one of them opened the door, Paige got out. She was safe! She came over and hugged me and told me that after Jacky had left her alone, she walked around until she found the nice cops that offered to help her find me again, and they turned on their lights because they saw me getting threatened and almost killed. I thanked the cops, and they told us that they could drive us back to the bus, so we wouldn't have to walk alone, in case the man came back. Paige pointed at Jacky, he was still left, he just stared at us.

-We can't leave him, she said.

I gave him a death glare.

-As you wish, I said and pressed out a smile for my daughter. Jacky, come on, Ronnie's probably worried about you!

He silently got in the car and they drove away.

Paige's p.o.v

I was silent, I couldn't stand the thought of getting back to my fake dad. I didn't even knew his name, because I was forced to call him dad. I looked at Max, I was such a lucky girl having him instead. I hugged him and told him I loved him, he hugged me back and I felt better immediatly. I looked at Jacky, he seemed ashamed.

-I'm so sorry, I'm an asshole, he said.

-It's okay, I replied. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, fuck you.

Max laughed.

-That's my girl!

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