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"Alpha, '' a jarringly loud voice accompanied with a harsh rap on my cherry wood painted oak office door, broke me out of my groggy haze and I set the new paper schedule, Thaddeous brought in for me to review, on the edge of my cherry oak desk. "The northern pack's alpha we're expecting is a few miles out."

"Mmmm, I see. Thank you for informing me." I responded quietly, turning towards the large bay window to the right of my l- shaped desk to admire one of my favorite views, looking out onto my mother's garden. It used to be my favorite place to go as a child. Now it just held those haunting memories so I preferred to look on from afar now.

I heard his defeated footsteps fade away and I decided it was time to take a short break from reviewing the new patrol schedule that my zeta Thaddeous handed me after his shift ended around eleven this morning. So I dropped my head back letting my eyes close so I could picture their faces again, letting the pain and the memories consume my every thought once more. It seemed no matter how much effort I put forth I could not find any information on what happened that night. I slowly slunk down in my office chair, no longer able to sit upright as the pain began to suffocate me. As I slid down I could feel my shirt ride up to my midriff but I chose to ignore the ambient sounds from around me while the cool air brushed my exposed flesh cooling some of the burn that seemed to rise as the pain became too much to bear.. But just as I was slowly beginning to nod off into the darkness that I was so rudely pulled out of by my Tyrus, a harrowing howl broke the peaceful and silent atmosphere of my office.

I opened my eyes in confusion glancing at the clock, it was only four in the afternoon. A frown made its way onto my face if I read the new schedule correctly Stephen wasn't due for a report for at least another hour or two. My heart started to race as the worry wiggled its way in. I was worried about my pack and my warriors, there weren't many who dared to step onto my territory so this must be serious. As I turned towards my door ready to get up and go check on the patrols, it slammed open violently with great force while I was still in the middle of standing up. My head began to throb slightly as my vision blurred slightly as the panicked message forced my link open. 'Alpha, there are rogues on the outskirts of the northern part of our territory. We thought it was a small pack that we could handle on our own but there are so many. They have already managed to break through all four of our front line defenses on this side. We are overwhelmed, we don't have enough warriors on this part of the territory and we are in desperate need of help.' Stephan Russel, my pack's delta, opened up a private link with me, since it was his team out on patrol.

I'm on my way. I will bring a few warriors who haven't been out yet for reinforcements and if once we've assessed the entire situation we need more warriors I will call for Thaddeus. Understood?' I responded promptly before closing the link. I turned to Tyrus who was impatiently waiting in the doorway. I motioned for him to come inside and to shut the door behind him while I pulled my shirt down to cover my midriff again and the ugly scars that made their home there. He quickly walked to my desk and stood on the opposite side of my chair in front of me anxiously waiting for me to speak, clearly curious as to what was going on.

"Rogues have infiltrated the border of the northernmost part of our territory. I'm going to go help get the situation under control. They are overwhelmed with how many have broken through. I need you to gather a few of the warriors that are supposed to go out with the evening patrols. Also will you round up gamma Aisling, I need her to come with me as well. However, leave Felix and Thaddeus to sleep unless I call for more reinforcements which I doubt I will but in any case be prepared to wake them if I call okay ? Also I need you to stay here and greet beta Aiden Ross I believe is who is supposed to show up. I received an email saying Alpha Rhodes is busy dealing with another pack issue." I said calmly, clasping my fingers together thoughtfully.

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