Chapter 14

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(Oh and btw, imagine Jennifer Aniston as your mom)

I walked my way to the living room couch where my mom was sitting. She saw me approach her and she watched my every move until I sat down. We looked each other in the eyes, and for some reason, it sent me. My eyes began to well up and she just looked at me, as if she didn't know what to do. She went to rest her hand on my leg, but hesitated and stopped. I guess she knew her place
I eventually worked up the courage to control my emotions and looked at her.

Y/N: Hey mom...

She gave me a weak smile

Mom: Hi honey...

My emotions started to come again and she frowned

Y/N: I'm sorry mom...

Mom: For what, baby?

I looked down as a tear fell down my cheek

Y/N: That I wasn't the perfect daughter you wanted...

It looked like her whole world fell apart just with a small look into her eyes, if it didn't already

Y/N: And that I disappointed you so much to where you didn't want me anymore-

My breath hitched as she stood up and squatted in front of me, taking my hands

Mom: You never disappointed me, even when you got into drugs and drinking. I understood why you did... I really did. And I didn't want to kick you out. I never did. But, for whatever reason, your father despised you. With a passion. And he forced me to help him kick you out. If I didn't, he'd do things to you and your brother, things... things I'd rather not speak about...

She began to cry, but it was obvious she tried to stay strong for me. She always tried to be the roll-model...

Mom: Once HE kicked you out, Charlton was not having it. Once your father slammed the door in your face, Charlton tried to run after you. Have you seen that scar on his chin? Yeah, your father was upset and your brother paid the price for it. A broken jaw. Took 6 months to heal. And of course, after your father made you leave and hit him, I was angry. Furious. So, I slapped him and in return, I went from one side of the room to the other. Broken rib and bruised all over. He never let me contact you. And I've never been able to escape him. Even though he never laid a hand on you, he was the actual devil... Before Charlton became huge in the music industry, he moved out at 14 and went to live with Jarad, which the world knows him as Juice World.

Laroi had told me that once I left, Juice was a big brother to him and they meant everything to each other. I know he would be proud of my little brother, even more than I am if that's possible

Mom: But when Jarad passed, your father begged him to come back and he wouldn't, not even over his dead body

I then felt a pair of arms wrap around my shoulders, embracing me and I didn't even have to think to know it was Laroi

Mom: But he knew I understood... He knew. And I never held it against him because I had no right, and I didn't feel that way. Who would want to live in an abusive home with no where to escape? Charlton called me one day, crying, saying "Mom... it hurts so much and I don't know how much longer I can take it...". Because Jarad had died and he told me that Jarad had left the deed to him, having your brother owning Jarad's house, the very house we are in right now

Laroi had rested his head on my shoulder, still hugging me tightly

Mom: Even with the pain your brother was dealing with, with the passing of Jarad, I knew, I knew that deep down, he missed you so dearly... And he fought the thought of missing you with everything he had because he didn't want to deal with the fact of the reminder that Jarad is gone... and so were you

His arms became tighter around me and I held them as I cried

Mom: Moral of the story, you were the person he loved most in this entire universe... and the same things goes for me Y/N.

She nodded

Mom: No one ever hated you. No one was ever disappointed in you. No one ever thought about not wanting you. You were the light of both of our lives. And we have never been the same since you've left. It got to the point where I got into drinking also, and Laroi got into it aswell.

She snickered

Mom: We were fucked up but he's ok now... I can tell

She looked at him and smiled

Mom: And now that I got to at least see you and to know that you ae getting married, and having my grandbabies, that's enough for me. I'm ok for now. I just have to find a place to live-

Y/N: Come stay with me 

Mom: No, honey I-

Laroi: I've actually been thinking about something that could be beneficial to us all

I looked at Mom an she shrugged

Y/N: Spill

Laroi: So, as you know. This place is huge as hell and it's only me and Hann in this motherfucker...

(Hann is his best friend, that also helps him with his music, both in the story and real life)

He is not about to say what I think he's going to say-

Laroi: I was thinking that maybe you two, Tony, Ondre, Liv, and the babies could live here with me...?

Y/N: Wha- What???

Mom: No, I can't just-

Laroi: Come on, please?! This is the only time where I actually felt like I have a family, and there is no way in hell I'm going to let any of you just slip away from me-

Y/N: Let me talk to everyone else and see what they say, even if they ay no, I'm still doing it

His smile grew and we looked at my mom. She sighed playfully

Mom: I suppose I could make arrangements-

Laroi: Yes!

He jumped over the couch and hugged my mom as I stood up, then he crashed his body into mine

Laroi: You guys are moving in!

Tony: Oh, we're moving in?

Tony came around the corner with a cookie in his mouth

Y/N: Well-

He snickered

Tony: Sickkkkkkkk I'll go call Ondre and tell them to start packing their shit

He pulled out his phone and went out onto the balcony. Laroi and I just looked at each other like "what just happened"Y/N: Well, that went better than expected-We busted into laughter and that's when I knew... I knew this was my opportunity to have the family I never had and the love I never felt. And there's no way I was going to let that just slip away from me.

Secrets (Book 2 of "Rock Bottom") // A Tony Lopez Story\\Where stories live. Discover now