Chapter 20

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I winced in horrific pain as Mom sped to the hospital and Tony and Laroi were helping me in the back all while Liv, Ondre, and Alyssa were in a car behind us, and Michael went to tell everyone and gather them up

Tony: Hold on, we're almost there baby, breathe!

He guided me with the deep breathes and I followed the best I could as sweat piled upon my forehead and tears steamed down my cheeks. I was in so much pain, I didn't even realize we were in the hospital parking lot. As soon as we came to a stop, everyone flew out of the car to help me out, and it was a blur after

-2 and a half hours later-

Doctor: Ok, one more push!

I pushed as hard as I could as I screamed in pain while I squeezed Tony's hand and mom stroked my hair. The pain was the worst pain on planet earth, but I suddenly forgot about it when a baby's cries echoed in the room and Tony and I froze

Doctor: Baby number one is out at 1:12am! And it's the boy!

They quickly cleaned my first born up and placed him on my chest, and all I did was break down in tears. I looked at Tony and he had the exact same reaction that I did, but he was more emotional than I was. He was literally shaking from crying as he smiled brightly at our baby boy. And my mom was crying, but she was more calm than we were, and I haven't seen her this happy in a long time.

I then felt the pain begin to build all over again and one of the nurses took my first born off my chest and into my mom's arms

Doctor: Alright, baby number two is on her way!

Tony then wrapped both his hands in my grip and looked into my eyes, guiding me through ways to help me reduce some of the pain

Tony: Ok, we just have our baby girl left and she'll be out in no time! But I'm going to need you to breathe with me, ok!?

Y/N: Ok, ok-!

We nodded at each other as my deep breaths were becoming jagged as I pushed, obeying what the doctor told me. After an eternity of this, the doctor gave me an update

Doctor: She's almost out, but Ms. Y/L/N, don't push too hard or it may cause complications! When I tell you to push, push as cautiously as you can! Can you do that for me-!?

Y/N: Just get my baby out of me please!

Doctor: Push... push... push... push... Ok, one more time for me-!

Then, my baby girl's cries wailed through out the room, and I collapsed my back onto the bed in exhaustion and relief

Doctor: Baby number two born at 2:01am!

They took her to the back and cleaned her up as Tony kissed my head as we both cried


They took our babies into observation to check their vitals and to make sure they're doing ok as they stitched me up in places you don't even want to know, but it was painful since the pain of giving birth to two children on the same day completely numbed it.

As the nurse checked my vitals, I was nearly about to pass out because of the exhaustion as Tony held my hand in his as he had his head down, resting on them, and mom was impatiently but slowly stroking my hair. I have never craved sleep in my life as much as I did right now. Suddenly, the doors to my hospital room opened, but my eyes were too heavy to open. I heard noises of shushing so I opened my eyes the best I could and I saw two nurses rolling in two tiny cribs. And it took me way too long to realize what was happening, but once Tony slightly lifted up his head as I opened my eyes a little bit more. The a small whimper sounded and Tony and I shot up as my mom gasped.

Secrets (Book 2 of "Rock Bottom") // A Tony Lopez Story\\Where stories live. Discover now