Where are we going?...(7)

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Mikleo POV

It was entertaining to see their shocked faces knowing that they don't believe me. I was about to turn around and say to Sorey we should go back while their frozen. That was until we got surrounded by smoke. Sorey turned to me with wide eyes until they closed and he fell backwards. I was going to go help him until my eyes fell heavy.

Until everything turned into blackness.

Third POV

The clamper of the hooves on the road gets closer to the entrance of Lady Lake. The knights letting them in seeing princess Alisha. The citizens moving to the sides letting the team through. "welcome back princess Alisha" Prince Akio greets her in the town square. She nods her head in greeting getting off her horse. "should we take them to a room your majesty?" one of her soldiers ask, a group of the getting of their horses. "That would be great" Alish replies "Take who where.?" the prince asks. "Well, you se.." 


Alisha  POV

I hear a loud smack and turn my face away from Akio see the seraph awake and had kicked one of my soldiers. "How is he wake?" One of them yells trying to stop him and pin him down. The seraph just looked behind him and the soldiers and turned ...transparent? I was shocked my soldiers just went right through him and fell on the floor. "WHAT THE HELL?" I yelled out of sock everyone around us freezing not believing their eyes and if I'm honest, I can't either. "Is that a seraph ?" I hear Akio ask behind me, I just give a small nod in reply. "How are you awake you should of at least be unconscious until tomorrow," one of the girls says "I'm not human, seraph heal a lot quicker than humans it wouldn't work that well on me" he replies in a calm voice, no emotion on his face. He looks around and his eye widen "We're in the real world" he says so shocked.


Sorry, I haven't posted for a while but I hope you enjoy this chapter, we are finally getting into the good parts. Hopefully, I don't know how well I can write this. I'm writing this in the middle of my Spanish lesson but since we use microsif teams and don't need our cameras or microphones on I decided to get this done.


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