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The week following my night spent with Cedric was a bit weird for me.

I didn't feel the same, I felt transformed.

I was officially the buzz around the 4th year students. The girl who captured the Hufflepuff quidditch star's attention.

Draco and his friends continued with their attacks as well. I wouldn't be able to walk down the hallway without insults being thrown at me. 

I tried to push off the negativity that revolved around me. I now tried to concentrate on my new found relationship with Cedric, also while diving into my studies.

I became one of the top students next to Hermione Granger. I don't mind coming second to Hermione, she was incredibly brilliant and kind. We never had any sort of competition when it came to our studies, we became happy for each other if we happened to surpass one another. Trust me I've had my moments as a top student at Hogwarts.

Today was one of the many days taken off to go to Hogsmede. There was a buzz this whole week about the trip. 

This morning, Professor Mcgonagall gathered us all for the short walk into the small village. Everyone finding their group as we make small talk.

I was in a small group with Hannah and Susan. We also walked with our two other ravenclaws; Louis and Elijah. My arm attaches to Susan's, laughing softly at Elijah who trips over a small patch of snow. Hannah throws more snow at him as they bicker backwards. 

My mood falls when I can hear the whispers behind me as Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle follow behind us shortly. I try to pry my wandering ears from their conversation, trying to pay attention to Hannah's story about how she bought a love potion from the Weasley Twins.

Draco was talking loud, wanting me to hear him.

"Tight ass in front of us, right Crabbe?" he snickers , pushing against his friends shoulders. The boys both laugh with Draco, agreeing.

"Girls who sleep around tend to get fatter arses" Goyle ticks to himself as he laughs with Draco.

"I guess you could be right Goyle" he seethes "Maybe that's why her body got fitter" 

My feet walk faster as i  pull Susan with me, the group also speeds up which makes me sigh with relief. 

We finally get to Hogsmeade. The breath I've been holding finally falls from my lungs. I quickly led the group to Honeydukes Sweetshop, getting away from Draco before I blew up.

"You alright Fay? You seem upset." She gives me a soft smile as i let out another breath.

"Yeah i just needed to get away from those dicks."

She curtly nods

"I understand, I wish I was brave enough to speak up. It's better to not say things sometimes" she agrees as i nod, looking at the assortment of candy.

She was right. If i said anything, i knew i would make things worse for myself. I didn't want to be embarrassed in front of my friends. 

As we look around the shop, Hannah gets some chocolate frogs for us three. I was beyond grateful as we all walked around the village. We went into a couple shops, looking around at the new selections each one had to offer. Louis came over to talk as the rest of the group seems to wander to another section. Louis and I  started to talk about the Tournament, he starts to complain how they won't allow anyone under the age of 17 compete. 

When the group comes together, we start to head back to the school. 

I start to fall behind, taking the scenery in around me. The snow crunching underneath my feet, I suddenly hear another pair of feet behind me. I let out a squeal as someone pulled me in the direction to the shrieking shack. I pull around quickly to see it is only to be met with the hazel eyes of Cedric. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2021 ⏰

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