Chapter 38

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"Jin told me everything,"

Eun Ae muttered, playing with her hands as she refused to look up and make eye contact with Jun. Jun's face contorted in anger as he clenched his fist tight. His knuckles turned white as he pushed his tongue against his inner cheek and scoffed.

"He told you everything? And you believed him? He probably made me look like an evil villain so that you would fall for him instead of me!"

Jun roared, causing Eun Ae to flinch. She had never seen Jun so mad before. She didn't understand why he was so mad. Jin never spoke ill about Jun but why did Jun think he did? Was there something going on between them that neither of them had told her?

"He probably made himself look like a god. However, all he did was make fun of my latte art! He called the portrait I attempted to draw a monkey and slowly stopped talking to me after he became popular in school!"

Eun Ae froze as she heard what Jun said. Was what he said true? Jin seemed so sincere, genuine and heartfelt yesterday but why was the Jin Jun had painted seem so evil? The glint in Jin's eyes when he told Eun Ae that he wanted to help her seemed so pure and genuine she just refused to believe what Jun was saying.
Seeing how confused Eun Ae was, Jun just scoffed. His fists clenched tighter as his nails dug into the skin of his hands. His jaw was clenched tight as he thought of all the days where him and Jin would fight. Jin was better than him in all aspects. Everything Jun wanted, Jin had it. For once, Jun finally liked a girl, Eun Ae, and Jin was going to take her away from him like every other time.

"Don't be mistaken, Jin doesn't like you. The number of times he had lied to you was unbelievable and he only did what he did because I told him I liked you. He wanted to piss me off,"

Jun spat heartlessly as he anger coursed through his veins as he stormed towards the door and opened it and slammed it shut. The deafening sound of the door slamming reverberated throughout the café as he left Eun Ae standing alone in the café, thoughts swarming in her head as everything spun around her.
Eun Ae felt dizzy as her vision turned blurry. She felt like she was going to faint. Jun's words echoed in her mind as she shook her head in disbelief. No way, there was no way. Jin couldn't have lied to her! Unless...
Eun Ae's heart dropped as a horrible thought entered her mind. No... The image of Jin's broad shoulders and the image of the guy who had heard her sing at the swimming pool flashed in her mind. She dropped her bag on the floor and let out a gasp. No... There was no way...

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