Oceanic Overture

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I covered myself, peeking behind the doorway when I saw him enter.
My body ran cold, no... how did he find us so soon?

I hid myself as well as possible while SkinTaker entered the house.
"Where is he?" SkinTaker hisses as Milo shrugs.
"He who? My brother or....?"

SkinTaker snapped at him. "YOU KNOW WHO I SPEAK OF-" Milo was lifted by the neck.

SkinTaker was screaming at him to reveal my location.
I saw him catch my eye and knew what he wanted me to do.

I hurried out of a window in the back of the cabin.

I'd be damned if I let that skeletal bastard get me now. I shattered that poor window, making my way to wherever I deemed safe.

I could hear him behind me, gaining on me.
I tried to make a sharp turn by a steep hill but ended up slipping then rolling down the whole thing.

I was in agony but I kept going.

I booked it as I heard the wind whistle, taking steps into the blizzard ahead.

I heard him gain on me then threw my coat at him, buying myself time.

I ran into a cave after a long run then slid along the floor of it before hitting a wall.
I slowly pulled myself up, looking to the wall and stared at myself.
It was me... the real me, Not Percy.
I sat up and kept my eyes on myself.

I sat up and kept my eyes on myself

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I wanted to cry, it was really me.
I bit my lip as I stared at myself.
Touching my cheek, staring at who I once was. I remembered thinking I was ugly, thinking I wasn't that great looking but now I am content with how I looked. Freckles, blemishes and all... I wanted it back.

I then heard a sound behind me, looking in this mirror to see a man with long black hair and snow white skin walk towards me. He looked angry as he stalked.

I turned to face him but my heart jumped when I saw it was really SkinTaker.
"My my, ye be a pretty lass I will say." He rasped at me, jaw grinding as he spoke.
I winced at the painful action of his jaw.
"W- was that you?" I pointed to his reflection in a shaky manner. My echo sounded different, it sounded like me.

"....Aye..." SkinTaker hesitated to reply, his reflection revealing his pained expression he could no longer make.
"What happened?" I asked, buying time but also genuinely curious about why this man had no skin and why he'd steal others'.

SkinTaker had a dark expression in the ice but remained the same in front of me minus his head being bowed.

"I was once a handsome lad... lived my days as your crew. Peaceful to those who knew me and feared by those who opposed our crew.

However, my crew did not meet eye to eye with me so one night... my greatest friend came and skinned me while I lay asleep.
That friend bein yer captain..."

I was shocked to hear this news and stood up defiantly. "YOU'RE LYING!"
"The mirror don't lie..." He replied with a sneer.
I looked to the mirror to see his upset expression.
I was crying, I punched the mirror then slid onto my knees.
"No... no you have to be lying... you're evil..." I croaked as SkinTaker echoed me.
"Evil? EVIL?!" He then released a horrific laugh.
"Girlie, if you believe in good an evil in a place like this then you truly know nothing of CandleCove!"

I looked down, defeated.
"Why... would he ever?... why is this place so...?" The words would not finish as their bitter taste invaded my mouth.

Was he really being honest? Did Poppy do this over a disagreement? Why would he ever do this? I just didn't understand.

SkinTaker reached for me, I sat defeated until I heard a voice.
"PERCY!!!" "Percy!!" "PEEEEERCYYYY!!"

They found me, I stood back up. Seeing Poppy first then running to him.
"CAPTAIN!" I yelled but was wrenched back by SkinTaker.

I screamed, fighting like hell.
"Look a little closer dear Poppy. Your little Percy isn't exactly what he looks to be... sometimes you have to look in a mirror to see the truth..."
I knew what SkinTaker meant but I kept fighting.

Poppy ventured forwards, looking between us and the mirror until he was face to face with it.
SkinTaker stood a ways behind him with me in hand and I stopped fighting.

"Remember this face? I'm sure you do... and that you wish you hadn't removed it with your blade. But this other face? I knoe for a FACT you do not know who this is... "Percy" why don't you TRULY introduce yourself?"

SkinTaker threw me Poppy's way. I shook myself off then nervously approached him.
I rubbed my arm and proceeded. "Captain, Sir... I'm sorry that I lied. I didn't want to but I was... afraid and wasn't sure how you would take it.
I have been told that women weren't allowed on pirate ships as a child... I was told they were killed as they would bring bad luck...

Not to mention that I am in your crewmate's body... I wasn't sure how to explain that...
I know you likely won't forgive me and you may kill me but please, make my death quick." I braced myself for whatever was to come next.

Poppy proceeded to get down on his knees.

Look my way...

And then?

Poppy hugged me, to which I proceeded to cry. I hadn't expected any compassion whatsoever.

Poppy grabbed his gun and aimed for SkinTaker, our crewmates coming in and making SkinTaker retreat to wherever he had come from.

After I had finished crying, I told them everything up till this point and though they seemed confused... they welcomed me.

I tried to go back and get Milo but his house was empty...

Torn up on the inside and damaged severely. I wanted to find him as he had been kind to me but we could not.
I was given the coat I had thrown... seems they found it again and I was led back to the boat where I was re-introduced to the rest of the crew and was welcomed by them as I had with Poppy and our friends before.

I hope to find Milo soon, I fear SkinTaker may have taken him with him.

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