Chapter 3: Gossips and Clarification

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Himari's POV:

                     A brand new day. Its finally weekend , Saturday and Sunday are my favorite days because I don't really need to go to school, I just need to wake up early for training. It has been two weeks now since that day when I followed Hanyu-san around, I have already memorized the directions on how to go to certain places near our new home. I am now heading to training. I really hope that no one will bother me or that Yuzuru won't bump into me considering that our houses are just three blocks away from each other.

               I just got inside the glass doors of the building and let me tell you, there is something wrong, my gut is telling me. Group of girls are looking at me with what seems like hate and disgust and they are whispering things to each other while glancing at me. I just ignored them and continued to the changing room. I finished changing when someone pushed me, it caused me to fall hard on the floor. They looked at me with a blank mocking in their eyes, then they laughed at me. I don't get it, what did I do wrong?? Did I said something strange? Rude? Just yesterday, they were all smiling at me......They finally left the room, still laughing and whispering, probably about me. I have encountered this things before too and the cause is always the gossips. I stood up and tried to look decent when I go out at least. I didn't realize that I was crying until I saw my face in the mirror. This brings back unwanted memories, I can't do anything but so sigh. I came here to improve myself, I need to train, yes ,to train not to cry.

                I tied my skates and proceeded to train. Even coach became different, now she looks at me with questioning eyes. I wanted to avoid anyone but I really can't train my jumps without a coach, can I? So yeah, I didn't talk to anyone except for coach, its useless anyways, anytime that I tried to chin up, I can see their prying eyes.Ill just look down most of the time. Its so confusing and unfair though, as far as I know, I did not do anything wrong. I did some laps around the rink before trying some jumps. I tried the Axel , my favorite element. I launched myself into the air while rotating.      1st rotation, 2nd rotation, 3rd rotation.........Crash! I also tried combinations, even the easiest one for me, still nothing. I can't land my jumps today, Its weird for someone like me that takes those jumps down easily...... It only means that I am getting affected. Its just been a day of their gossips and I am already like this.


           It has been three hours now, our break, time for lunch. I got my lunch from my bag. I walked towards the small cafeteria to find a table to eat. But of course, mu luck is so good to me, there is none left. All of the tables are occupied with groups of different friends, that's what I thought at least. "Hey Himari, you can seat with us!" Makoto shouted. I smiled to myself, at least someone is still kind to me, I sat next to her. We started eating when Canary suddenly talked, "ooh, what do we have here Himari?" " Oh, its just miso-" she cut me off of what I am about to say, then she splashed her water in my face. " No one should care for a scheming ugly girl!!" she shouted again. They all laughed, everyone. I stood up, took my stuff and head for the door. I started running, away from those laughing faces. I bumped into someone on the way, nothing really goes smooth for me huh? Its Yuzuru, seriously though out of all people, why him? He just scoffed at me and then walked to his merry way with his rink friends.

               I washed my face at the nearby faucet. "Hey"someone said behind me. Great, another trouble for the day. I looked behind me to see who it was. It was Alex, one of the close friends opf yuzuru, probably going to laugh at me too. " What do you need?"i asked with an alert tone in my voice. "hey, just chill, I'm just here to ask some questions" he replied calmly. " What is it then?, im sorry, i'm just shaken up" i said. "Okay, I'll go straight to the point then, Is it true that you are a crazy fan of Yuzuru?" "WHAT??" " Listen, I am not accusing you of anything. I know that you are somewhat a good person, its just that Yuzuru is not his usual self and he is annoyed about you."he replied. "Okay, first of all, I am not his fan, I only saw him in some of the competition and that is it. Second, If you are referring to that time that I followed him around, I'll tell you the truth. That is actually my first day going around here, and I got lost. I am heading to school that day and I saw him wearing the same uniform so I followed him. I also followed him to training on that very same day because they said that I should go with Yuzuru since he is training here too. I didn't asked him about it because it is obvious in his face that he is already annoyed from me and he might think that I am one of his clingy fan girls from our class"  " Wow, that's quite a story you have there." 

              " Is this the same reason on why the girls are mad at me?" i asked. " Actually, yes, I think they heard Yuzuru saying that he is annoyed by you, we talked yesterday , like I said, Yuzuru thinks that you are a fan." "So that's what it it , huh, what should I do now?" " I know its hard but just ignore them for now, Ill try to talk to them , don't worry" "Thanks a lot"


          Again, sorry for some grammatical mistakes/ spellings......for those who reads this book...thank you so much for keeping up. If you somehow like a chapter, please don't hesitate to vote and comment about literally anything. Hope you guys have a nice day.


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