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Monday, 8:30 am

Shuhua arrived to Neverland Uni and got to her AutoCAD class which is a computer-based class. She saw all of her friends, including her ex, Soojin was already in the class preparing for the lesson. Yuqi and Soyeon fist bumped Shuhua while Minnie and Miyeon gave Shuhua a big hug. They were all sitting at the back row and Soojin was sitting in the front row. Shuhua looked at Soojin but Soojin didn't even bother to turn back. "Maybe she didn't see me" Shuhua thought.

"Alright, now we should be pairing with a partner for a class quiz, please choose a partner in between 5 minutes please," the lecturer said. Shuhua turn left and right to just see Mimin & Yuyeon sticking to each other and they didn't even spare a glance to Shuhua. Yuqi teased, "Hey you still have your ex there to partner up with" pointing at Soojin, as Yuqi were right, Moonbyul and Solar was already in a pair, don't even mention about Wheein and Hwasa, they were in their own world. Soojin turned around and her eyes met with Shuhua eyes, Soojin was feeling anxious while Shuhua groaned and quietly said, "urgh why does it have to be her?" but in the end she went and sat next to Soojin in the middle row to avoid any pair land theireyes on them. "Are you guys ready?" said the lecturer. Everyone nodded and proceed for the class quiz. Throughout the whole quiz Soojin & Shuhua was quiet and didn't even bother to answer, and that made Soojin felt a slight discomfort and wanted to start a conversation with Shuhua. "Shu..." "And the winning team is Yuqi & Soyeon!" the lecturer cut off Soojin by announcing the winning team. Shuhua just stand up and pack her back and left with her friends. Soojin sat there dumbfounded. "I must do something" she thought as she pack her stuff up.

Shuhua and her friend are at the canteen finding some place to settle down and eat lunch together. They finally found a table near the end of the canteen and Miyeon ran like a cartoon character to call dibs on the table, they all laughed and mimicked Miyeon's run. "yah unnie don't embarrass me infront of the cute girls at the next table, I would still like to flirt with them! now you're scaring them away!" Shuhua jokingly teased Miyeon. "yah it's not me who control your love life, you're the one who doesn't want to walk out from your "pain"" Miyeon fought back and those words hit the core of Shuhua's heart. Has she not let go of Soojin yet? "yeah this time I'm standing by Miyeon's side, when are you going to get of out this void you're in?" boom, another hit. Soyeon and Minnie had and agreeing yet apolgetic smile towards Shuhua as they know how hard it is to get over someone you loved so much, so deeply in love before. Shuhua sigh in defeat and said, "just give me sometime, I'm sure I'll get over it" Yuqi scoffed, "are you sure? just don't let her hurt you again" she said while worrying her dear friend. "yeah i'll get through it" Shuhua said while staring blankly at her food. The unnies made eye contact to each other and thought, "sigh....She won't let go that easily..."

Meanwhile Soojin came in to the canteen and was looking around for Shuhua, but she was stopped by one of her male pursuers. "hey soojin, you wanna have a date tonight?" Soojin, with a discomfort sign in her face, replied, "sorry i'm busy tonight, not available" but the boy didn't stop, and kept on harassing her, until Soojin was a bit scared of him, she tried to walk away from him but the boy grabbed her by the arm and casuing Soojin to trip over the bench and fell on to the ground. In a blink of eye, Soojin saw Shuhua pinned the boy down to the ground and the boy was yelling in pain. They were tangled and fighting each other while Shuhua was yelling "if you touch her one more time I swear I will cut your small baby ass dick off!" Soojin was shocked at the sight of Shuhua with a bloddy nose and bruised fist with anger in her eyes, which was hot yet intimidating at the same time. But Shuhua was pulled off by Yuqi and Minnie and finally the fight ended. Shuhua's face was covered in blood and the boy was on the floor blacked out. They took Shuhua to the first aid room in the uni and let the nurse get Shuhua's treatment.

As Shuhua was getting treatment to her wounds, they were all waiting outside. Yuqi pacing back and forth as she was worried Shuhua might get a concussion and forget about all of them, overthinking Yuqi, as usual while Soyeon is comforting her saying Shuhua will be alright. Minnie hugging Miyeon as they look through the window of Shuhua behind a hospital curtain, wishing Shuhua would be fine. Soojin was at the verge of crying as how hurt Shuhua was just to protect her she thought. She was gripping her hands tightly and praying she would heal faster. Yuqi broke the silence, "she got hurt, for you, again" while looking at Soojin. "do you know how hurt she was when she gone through the breakup you asked for and that hurt her mentally, and now she's hurt physically, wanting to protect you, do you understand how sad it is to see her hurt as a friend?!" Yuqi shouted. Soojin just kept looking down her feet and guilt is swallowing her and suffocating her. Soyeon brought Yuqi out to calm her and Mimin couple came over to comfort a hurting Soojin, "She will be fine, don't worry, don't you know how strong she is? you've heard her shout yeorobun, right? haha" Minnie said that while trying to lift the atmosphere. "We'll be outside, once Shuhua is done, see her, stay by her side, take care of her, we'll come in once you're done.' Miyeon said and left with Minnie to find Yuqi and Soyeon.

After a slow 10 minutes wait, the nurse finally came out and say she's done with Shuhua's wound treatment, Soojin may go in and see her. Soojin thanked the nurse and proceed slowly and quietly to the bed where Shuhua is laying on.

"Hey..." Soojin spoke softly. Shuhua just gave her a smile, with a bruised forhead, nose, knuckles, a cut on the lower lip, and a black eye. Soojin felt sorry for the sight she's looking at right now. She sat next to Shuhua's bed, looking at Shuhua. "why did you protect me?" she said softly. "No I did not, I just don't like that kid, he's annoying." Shuhua hmph and Soojin thought it was a cute sight and giggled herself. "why are you laughing?" Shuhua asked with innocent eyes. "nothing, how are you feeling? and since you've "saved" me, why not let me cook you dinner? as a reward for you being a heroine" Soojin said with a smirk. "eh? I should be fine in a couple days but are you sure about cooking dinner?" Shuhua asked, can't stop her love for food. "yeah i'll cook tonight, you wanna invite your friends or it's just the both of us?" Shuhua is flustered by the thought of just them both alone in the dorm but she enjoys being alone with Soojin but at the same time she wants her friends to surround her with love. That made Shuhua zone out for awhile. "hmm? so? made up your mind?" Soojin waved her hand infront of Shuhua just incase she thought Shuhua went blind. "ah oh uh yeah, just the both of us should be fine." shit, why did I say just us both?! Shuhua thought outloud. "Alright, just us both, tonight, my place, I'll wait for you outside for now." Soojin got up and left before Shuhua could give any reply, Shuhua just stared at her leaving. Shuhua sighed and before she could close her eyes and rest, she was startled by the sound of Yuqi shouting "YAHHHHHHHHHHHH YEH SHUHUA ARE YOU DYINGGGGGG ARE YOU ALRIGHT DID YOU LOSE YOUR MEMORY OF USSSSSSSSS?" Shuhua thought, oh god here we go againn. "yeah I'm fine, don't worry, wait, why are you crying?! paboyah?!?" "I was so scared you lost your memories of us" Yuqi said sobbing. All of them laugh at the crying Yuqi, while Shuhua pat her and said, "hey, I'm fine, don't worry about me, you guys can go home and rest." "but who's gonna take care of you?" Miyeon asked with worry in her tone. "uhm... Soojin said she'll cook me dinner tonight... so I guess she will be taking care of me?" Shuhua said while smiling sheepishly. They made eye contact but with a weird expression and said, "alright, call us if you need anything, alright? get some good rest." said Minnie and Soyeon. They went out from the first aid room and met Soojin on the way while going back. "Take good care of her, okay?" Minnie and Miyeon said sternly, which made Soojin gulped. "Yeah I will, don't worry, anything comes up, I will contact you." Soyeon passed Shuhua's bagpack to Soojin and Soojin made way to the first aid room, when she reached toward the door of Shuhua's bed, she lead at the door and said, "you ready to go?" Shuhua got up and Soojin slowly help her to Shuhua's car. Soojin offered to drive and Shuhua swiftly accepted the offer. The ride was silent, as usual. They both sigh and thought, it's a long day today. Soojin continue to drive and Shuhua just zone out while looking outside the window.

It is a loooooong day indeed. 

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