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Flashback to where it all started. (Part III, last.)

It was d-day for them to have their grocery shopping "date". Shuhua jumped up and quicky check the time on her phone, 5:49am. It's still early and she just slept for 4 hours, since she was watching many "how to impress in a first date", "how to speak fluently", "how to not gay panic" etc videos. That was sure one hell of a ride. Shuhua rolled around her bed continuously thinking how she should impress Soojin, should she be funny? should she show some aegyo? should she act cool? ahhh whatever, she got up and dress herself as time pass. As she was choosing what to wear, her phone buzzed.


Hey, good morning ^^~ are you guys ready yet? lets meet downstairs ^^ see ya^^

Shuhua smiled at her phone but when Yuqi was walking pass her bedroom she saw what happened. "why are you laughing eh? someone has someone's number eh?" Yuqi said while wriggling her eyebrows. Shuhua rolled her eyes and continuing to text Soojin. Yuqi laughed her ass off and continue to do what she wanted to do. After they got ready, they head down and Shuhua was nervous like crazy. She shouldn't be this nervous though as she was just making a new friend. When they reached the lobby, she didn't see Soojin, so she texted her.


Hi ^^ we are here. Where are you?


Look behind you :p

Shuhua turned around to see Soojin in her casual black tee and long skinny jeans. She was speechless seeing how the clothes wrapped Soojin's body and it made her body line more obvious so Shuhua dropped her jaw and drool at the same time. Is that even possible? But she also noticed Soojin was carrying a plastic bag of breakfast, she went to get breakfast while waiting for them Shuhua thought. Yuqi was excited to see Soojin too, "Hello Soojin ah~ sorry did we made you wait long?" Yuqi said with an apologetic tone thinking that if Shuhua didn't contemplate between two t-shirts, they wouldn't be late. "Nah, I went and get breakfast near the convenience store down the street, got you guys some too, please eat well," Soojin said while passing the bag full of food to Yuqi and Shuhua. "omo Soojin, yesterday you treated us with lunch already, now breakfast too?! please don't waste your money on us," Yuqi said even though she was munching on a bread, while Shuhua was also munching on a bread and said thank you shyly. Soojin thought Shuhua eating is the cutest, her cheeks get chubby and and looks like a hamster, Soojin uwu at the sight of Shuhua eating. They ate as the same time they walk to the uni and settle down in class.

Finally, class is dismissed. Soojin offered to drive them to the mall. They safely arrived and proceed to the entrance. "So, what do you guys need to get?" Soojin asked. "bed, food. no bed no food no life nono~" Shuhua said with a cute voice unintentionally and Soojin thought it was super duper adorable. "okay, let's go!" Soojin took Shuhua's hand without any thought and they ran around the mall. "Why am I even here zzzz" Yuqi walking behind the two soon to be lovebirds.

Days, weeks and months have passed Shuhua and Soojin are getting closer, and closer, almost inseparable as Yuqi would describe. "ugh, can you two get a room?" Yuqi said in disgust when she saw Shuhua was legitly rubbing her face to Soojin, and Soojin had no expression in her face, but in real life she's just quiet. "and stop bothering Soojin! you're making her uncomfortable!" Yuqi said at Shuhua. "Is that true yah Soojin? you can tell me if you're not happy with me being clingy with you, arrasso? then i won't bother you anymore~" Shuhua said with a sad and dissapointed tone. Soojin just kept quiet, actually she didn't know how to react to Shuhua's whining, this is her first time seeing her this way. So poor Shuhua was sulking all the way until class ended. "Let's go hang out at a cafe today, Shu, just me and you." Soojin said with a smile. "Okay!!!!! let's go!!" Shuhua said excitedly as if she forgotten why was she sad. Meanwhile it was Yuqi's turn to whine. "yahhhh then where am I supposed to go then?!" "home." savage Shuhua as usual. "Ah! I have this friend who is quite interested in you when we went to the party, remember? She's the rapping girl you said she was cool. I'll text her and let her know you need a date." Soojin said while texting her rapper friend, Jeon Soyeon. "b-b-but I don't even know her though?!" Yuqi said in shock and hands almost pleading Soojin not to text as she was nervous, and mentally attached to Soyeon after seeing her at Soojin's friend party and not able to get Soyeon's number. "Then in this date you two shall get to know each other! She's interested in you too ya know." Soojin said while patting Yuqi's back to comfort her. Shuhua swore she never saw Yuqi's panic state before. "Alright, here's her number, she's also in this uni, she should text you where to meet in a few minutes, just meet her there." Soojin said while writing Soyeon's number down on a piece of paper, handing it to the nervous Yuqi. "We'll get going now! byebye! have fun~~" Shuhua said to Yuqi and hold Soojin's arms while they walk out of the classroom, leaving a dumbfounded Yuqi behind.

Shuhua and Soojin arrived at Luv U cafe, which is the most popular cafe amongst all cafe in Seongsudong. They sat near the window, it's Soojin's favorite place as she can enjoy drinks and the scenery, to think about life or so, while Shuhua just follows whatever Soojin likes. "The usual?" Soojin asked. Shuhua nodded and Soojin proceeded to the counter to order. "One dahlia infused tea, one iced americano, thank you." Soojin said to the owner which is her friend. After paying, Soojin went back to the seat and while she was on her way, she saw Shuhua looking outside admiring whatever the sky, she looked at Shuhu's side profile, it's constructed beautifully, from her head to her chin. Soojin admired Shuhua's side profile for awhile but Shuhua saw her standing there like a tree. "Jin ah? what are you doing there standing like a tree?" Shuhua laughed at Soojin. Embarassed, Soojin laughed sheepishly too. "One dahlia tea for our Soojin's baby and one iced americano for Soojin, right?" Soojin's cafe owner friend said. At this moment Soojin couldn't be more embarrased with herself, she blushed at the comment of "Soojin's baby". While Shuhua eyes perk up at that comment. "Soojin's baby?" Shuhua asked as her head tilted. Soojin at this point thought Shuhua is really a baby wolf, but Soojin protest back, "she's just saying nonsense, don't mind her" The cafe owner chuckled and walk away. Soojin and Shuhua were back into comfortable silence. They sat for hours and listen to some songs together, draw and chill. It was already late night, Soojin suggested they should go home, Shuhua nodded and followed Soojin, they bid goodbye to Soojin's friend and went out. They also walk in silence, hand in hands as the weather is quite chilly at night. Soojin hand's is in Shuhua's pocket and she feels very secure with Shuhua, not just this gesture made her feel the warmth, but Shuhua in general, she's already falling for Shuhua's charms. As dense as Soojin and Shuhua can be, they both haven't made any move at all, despite all the sweet couple stuff they did together when they aren't even officially together yet. Is Soojin scared? Not really, but she has no heart to hurt Shuhua, and who knows Shuhua might not be into girls? She always thought that. On the other hand, Shuhua is scared, she's new to this enviroment, she can't just trust anyone yet when she's new to this, but Soojin hits different. Soojin was always by her side, no matter what happened, even Shuhua remember once, the waiter of a cafe tried to hit on Shuhua but Soojin's eyes was lit with fire and about to crush this waiter's skull into pieces. Shuhua calmed her down and Shuhua felt happy too, there'e someone so protective of her. Not that Yuqi is not protective, Soojin just hits different. "Hey Jinjin ah..." before Shuhua could continue, she felt Soojin's hand removed from her pocket, and from her hand. They are now facing each other. "Yeah Shu?" Soojin asked with her eyes glowing, as if galaxies are in her eyes. Shuhua was really amazed by her beauty, she locked her eyes with Soojin and they had a mini staring contest going, not until Soojin felt a warm, soft pair of lips touching her lips, and the peach scent intoxicating her. They part for air and Shuhua's eyes are as big as an egg and she started to panic. "omg jinjin i'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done that, it was stup-" before Shuhua could continue, Soojin went in for another kiss, which made Shuhua shut up with her rambling. "I've always wanted this" Soojin said while smiling. Shuhua ears are getting red from the comment and said, "me too. Seo Soo Jin, I may not be perfect and may not give you a nice life now but I will try my best to do well in life so I can provide you a life that is perfect, will you be my girlfriend?" Shuhua said confidently. Soojin smiled that Shuhua is so materialistic about life but she replied Shuhua, "Yes, I do. I will be with you no matter what happenes, or obstacle we're going through in life. Yeh Shuhua, you make me complete, there's no perfect life from one side, it's always i give 50%, you give 50% and that makes us a 100% perfection relationship. Now, what do you say you come and stay overnight at my aparment?" "JINJIN!! WE'RE GONNA DO IT THE FIRST DAY??!!?!?!?!?!?!?!" Shuhua shouted but Soojin was fast enough to cover her mouth before any further embarassment happens. Soojin smacked Shuhua's arm and laugh and says, "no paboyah, I just wanna cuddle tonight, is that fine with you?" Shuhua nodded happily and they proceed to Soojin's place, settle down, and happy about their first day being an official couple. Sooner or later the thoughts are gone as they drift to dreamland while cuddling in each other's warmth. 

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