The Walk

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Lucy's POV:

'Your new coat suits you,' I remark as Lockwood holds open the door for me. I saw his eyes glance down, and when he saw I had the necklace on, a smile spread across his face.

'Yes, I rather like it.' He shut the door and joined me at the end of the street. We gazed up at 35 Portland Row, suddenly silent. 'I'm glad to see that the house is starting to heal,' he said.

'Just a few more coats of paint and it will start to look like home again,' I said. 'George seems very enthusiastic about it.' 

Lockwood chuckled, his dark eyes flickering towards me. I felt heat creeping up my face.

'So,' I tried to look casual. 'Where are we going?'

'Oh, just somewhere I like to go sometimes to think,' he said

'Is it far?'

'Not very.'

We walk along the road side by side, our feet in unison. It's strange how you don't notice something until you really focus. London looked beautiful in the evening light, the sunset falling like a blanket over every building. The air, still and perfect, the cars neatly parked in the driveways. It looked like civilisation was gone, and only the two of us were left. My eyes shifted to Lockwood, his dark hair falling over his face, the soft shine in his eyes as he stared ahead. I saw his hands adjust his coat over his slim body, the slight spring in his step, and my heart jumped a little.

We eventually reach the place he was talking about. It was a sort of grove, with trees surrounding the area. The leaves brush my head as I walk in. There was a little bench in the centre, looking out at the park.

'After you,' Lockwood said, gesturing to the bench. 

I sat down, smoothing my skirt out as he joined me. 'This is a lovely place,' I said. 'Do you come here often?'

'Not much,' he said. 'It's more of a place to go to when I have something important on my mind, or that I'm with a very special person.' He grinned at me.

'Which one is it?'

'Both,' he laughed. He sat in silence for a bit, his hands clasped together. The sun slowly set, casting rays of light across our faces. It was rather lovely. Lockwood cleared his throat. 'Anyway, Luce, the thing that was on my mind was that I never asked you that question, you know, on that night the Winkmans attacked.'

'In the garden,' I said. 'When you gave me that beautiful necklace.'

'Yes, that's right.' He glanced down once more at the necklace on my chest.

'What was the question?' I ask, holding my breath.

'I was going to ask you if you would keep that necklace.' He chuckled. 'Well, obviously you already have it now, but there was another part to it.' His dark eyes found mine. 'I was going to ask if you would keep the necklace, and all of the memories and feelings that came with it. Luce, from the moment I first laid eyes on you, I instantly knew you. You were the perfect agent, an amazing friend, and most importantly, you were my reason to live. Now I realise that the same thing happened to my parents, all those years ago. So I ask you to keep that necklace, and all the love that comes with it.'

'Lockwood...' I couldn't think of anything to say, but I didn't have too. His hand slipped into mine as he pulled me close, resting my head on his shoulder. I could feel his breath next to mine as his thumb caressed my hand, his body radiating warmth and love. Clasping each other close, we stared out into the sunset, not wanting this moment to end.

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