~Chapter 9~

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They made their way through the museum and to the newly installed auditorium where the show was being held and where they waited in line to eventually take their seats.

As they waited for the show to begin Tsukishima could basically feel Yamaguchi vibrating in the chair next to him. He turned his head from where he was looking up at the ceiling of the  plain, dimly lit room to look at his freckled companion, who had a stupid look on his face as his eyes wandered animatedly around the room to spot the different projectors that would soon take them into space.

Tsukishima almost laughed at how relaxed Yamaguchi was acting. As if he hadn't confessed to him less than 30 minutes ago.

Since then Tsukishima's mind hadn't done anything but think. Thinking about how this is what he's been wanting for the past few years. Thinking about how Yamaguchi thought they're was a world where he could possibly not have a shot with him. Thinking about how...Yamaguchi liked him.

It was taking more than every fiber of his being to not start hyperventilating and break down into a blushing mess right where he sat, and he was very close to doing so. But he couldn't. He had to keep his composure until he figured out a way to bring it up in a 'semi-natural' way.

He's gathered that this weird 'fake-confession-thing' Yamaguchi had been doing has been going for a lengthy amount of time (by the tone of Cosmo's voice) and when I hadn't been listening which - as invigorating as it is to find out that your long term crush like you back is - was quiet upsetting.

Obviously this is his fault. If he had paid attention to his friend (crush) more instead of shutting him out with his headphones in the hopes of losing feeling he would have heard him, at least once, or maybe if he had simply grown up and confessed to him first he wouldn't have been dancing around him for so long.

But now was no time to beat himself up about things like this and focus on how he was gonna deal with this in a way other than.

a) Shouting at the top of his lungs that he was practically head of hills in love with Yamaguchi in public setting and scaring him off (this option being something he would thoroughly regret at a later date)

b) Pretending like he didn't hear a thing and pushing his feeling to the very bottom of heart like he had been doing before these past few...what weeks? months? years? (this option also being something he would thoroughly regret at later, arguably more)

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly to help loosen the knots that were tangling in his mind. As he did so the lights in the auditorium completely went out and a he heard small, excited squeal leave Yamaguchi's lips. The presenter for the show started talking about the large expanse of space, how it is yet to be explored and other space-y things, but at that moment Tsukishima wasn't hearing a word of what the presenter had to say. He was transfixed. 

He was admiring how Yamaguchi's warm feel took cool undertones in the darkness. How the projected stars reflected his freckles and how in those freckles he could probably find more constellation than if he looked up. How the silver flecks of light glittered in his absolutely mesmerized eyes to add to  the impossible amount of playfulness that already resided in them.

A soft smile settled on his face and he sighed finally looking away and paying attention. He would definitely have to find an absolutely amazing way to confess to Yamaguchi - the effortless beauty that sat next to him.

🌸Time skip🌸

They walked out of the auditorium into the main museum as they headed for the exit and Yamaguchi was still absolutely reeling from the experience, having gone on an excited rant about small details about constellations that the presenter managed to miss. As they stepped of the museum completely they had noticed that it had gotten late "good thing we're heading home now then, huh?" Yamaguchi chirped  noticing that the wind had started to pick up, the breeze tossing his hair slightly "Yeah" Tsukishima replied shoving his hand in his pockets (as an attempt to savor any body heat he had left as well as in frustration)  as the headed back towards the train station.

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