~Chapter 2~

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As they walk into the shop Tsukki had to take of his headphones by the enforcement of social interaction at the counter but to his amusement it wasn't for very long. They pay for their food and leave the small shop.Everyone ends up going the same way because they had passed the intersection they were supposed to go their separate ways.

This walk is yet again accompanied by another pointless conversation but Yamaguchi has decide to take a break from day dreaming to join them and this conversation being led by two volleyball fanatics ends on the subject of volleyball and eventually blocking witch obviously dragged Tsukishima's name into the conversation. "Yeah Tsukishima  how do you block so well? you don't even practice in your spare time" Hinata inquires his question is not followed by an answer "Tsukishima?" He calls out trying to get the blondes attention. "He can't hear you " Yamaguchi interrupts coming to his friends aid.
"So he hasn't been listening to us this whole time?" Kageyama asks with slight frustration in his voice "well no how could he he's got his headphones on" he replied pointing to the white Sony headphones on his friends head.

"I mean yeah, but whenever we see you two walking home he's got his headphones on and you're still talking" the orange haired male asks with a look of absolute and genuine confusion and Kageyama with the same look to match "we just assumed he could hear you through them". "Oh... yeah... he can't hear me, I'm not completely sure but I'm pretty sure those headphones are noice cancelling" Yamaguchi states with a light dusting of pink appearing on his face as the thought of them being watched going home together is brought up what if they had heard what I talk about when he can't hear me. He is snapped out his trance by another question brought to him by Hinata "But why do you still talk to him? There's no point in talking to him if he can't hear you"

This statement was very true there was no point in talking to him if he couldn't hear him or answer back, but to Yamaguchi the fact the he couldn't be heard was one of the only reasons he did talk. If he talked to Tsukishima when he had his headphones on he would usually just talk about how his day was and other stuff that people wouldn't really care about but Tadashi ,for some reason, took note of.

But sometimes maybe every few months it would just be the freckled boy gushing about his feelings towards him and thoughts about them being together forever, but it would merely be responded to by a confused Tsukishima looking over and taking of his headphones to ask what he said to be replied to by a blushing Yamaguchi saying nothing and the blonde haired boy proceeding to put them back on and continue on as they had before. These days were the only reasons why Yamaguchi hadn't confessed to his face before.

"Uh...sometimes I just like to talk and I end up rambling on without expecting an answer so him not being able answer back doesn't really matter to me" He responded with this, a nervous chuckle and a half hearted smile, which "ok then, I've been told I ramble a lot too" was enough to convince the two volleyball idiots.

Yamaguchi wasn't very good at lying so this made him a bit uncomfortable but he reassured himself that it wasn't entirely a lie...but it wasn't exactly true either.

Tsukishima looked over and saw that he was being pointed and assumed he was being talked about he then took of his headphones and with his usual deadpan voice said "Is their anything I can help you with?".
Hinata ,presumably because he had been ignored the whole time, said the following statement with hints of anger in his voice "yeah you lamppost how come your so good at blocking".

To anyone else that would have been a simple question with a single answer but to Tsukishima it was the perfect opportunity to drag Hinata down a peg or two "I mean not being the size of the tally they use to keep scores usually helps" he let out with a smirk on his face while putting his headphones back on. Hinata obviously did not take this well and started fighting with the blonde that was drowning him out with music.

This senseless bickering ended up being the last thing that was said between them that night because they had reached the intersection.

They said their goodbyes waving to each other Hinata and Kageyama going their separate ways and Tsukishima and Yamaguchi going the same.

They walked down the road a bit in a comfortable but Yamaguchi decide to break the silence anyways. "You know they are right you don't practice yet you're still so amazing at blocking" he paused acting like he got a response from his oblivious friend. "Well what do I expect you are always amazing at everything" Yamaguchi said in a whisper to make sure no one heard him even though they were alone.

He sighed "Anyways, before lunch today I saw Daichi and Suga turn round the corner and leave the boys bathroom at the same time, I wonder what they were doing in there probably something frisky. Could you imagine? Daichi and Suga together I wouldn't put it past them they are basically team parents it makes sense in a way doesn't it, welp we'll just have to wait and see then won't we, it's not like they wouldn't tell us eventually"

Yamaguchi looked up and into Tsukishima's eyes and smiled "You know Tsukki, could you imagine us together? Childhood best friends to lovers cliche isn't it but I mean if it's cliche it happens a lot doesn't it" Yamaguchi watched their feet as they walked and sighed "But probably not to us I guess".

They continued on in their comfortable silence for the rest of the night until they got to the street that separated their two houses. They said their goodbyes and walked their separate ways into their homes.

Hiya I'm back again sorry for any errors in it I wrote this at midnight I have an amazing sleep schedule bye bye now have a nice day/night/afternoon

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