~Chapter 6~

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Yamaguchi was snoring peacefully knowing that he didn't have to get up today because it was Saturday. His dad had been away on a business trip since last week and wasn't coming back until 3 days later. His mom was going to work in the morning and he'd done all his home work and he didn't have to get up for anyo-


Spoken to soon he barely opened his eyes and reached his hand out to grab his phone when he saw that the person that had sent him a message was Tsukishima he immediately felt awake.

He shot up from his bed wide eyed and clicked on the message.

                                                            Tsukki 🦕❤️

Hey Yama wanna hang out

                                                                                          Yeah sure where do you wanna go?

He sent a reply as quickly as he received the text. Usually Yamaguchi would be the one to make plans and by that he meant drag him out of his house this was a nice change of pace.

🌸With Tsukishima 🌸

He had woken up that morning with the suggestion from his Tokyo 'friends' still fresh in his mind be more affectionate he sat up took his glasses from his night stand he sighed to himself a picked up his phone I don't know how we're gonna do that but let's try for  Yamaguchi


Hey Yama wanna hang out

He was about to leave his bed and take a shower but before he could put his phone down he got a reply


Hey Yama wanna hang out

Yeah sure where do you wanna go?

He always found it kind of cute how fast Yamaguchi was to set up plans and how energetic he was when they got there regardless of of the time or the place. He always walked around with that bright smile, that stretched his freckled cheeks that were always dusted pink and- he stopped himself befor he could go any further because he realized that because he had just been fawning over Yamaguchi he had failed to reply to him.


Hey Yama wanna hang out

Yeah sure where do you wanna go?

Dinosaur museum?

Maybe he is a dinosaur loving nerd maybe he's not you'll never know and neither will anyone else but Yamaguchi (the answer is yes)


Hey Yama wanna hang out

Yeah sure where do you wanna go?

Dinosaur museum?

Kk see you in 20?


They both simultaneously sighed and whispered "It's a date then" Yamaguchi  lived up to his statement and was at his front door in the next 20 minutes He was wearing a striped navy blue jumper and a collared shirt underneath with loose jeans, white air force 1's and half of his hair in a pony tail. Tsukishima was in awe Yamaguchi always dressed like this he said it was part of his 'aesthetic' but it didn't stop him from thinking that he looked absolutely stunning.

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