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I hate buses... If I go to the bus stop early, I freeze my butt off. If I go later, I miss the bus. Then when I figure out what time I go the bus comes early and I miss it... I CAN NEVER WIN! And that is why I hate buses. I wrote this chapter because just today, I realized how true this is... In other words I missed the bus...

The story:
I was at home packing my stuff up for school like every morning. Then I look at the time and see that it's 7:25. Okie dokie! Time to leave for the bus stop! I say goodbye to my grandmother, who babysits my younger siblings in the morning, and leave. Then I see it. Duh duh duuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhnnnnn!!!!! The bus pulling out of my neighborhood. So of course I run. But the roads had to be slippery so KER-THUNK! I slip in ice and fall. I get up and resume chasing the bus as fast as I can, but it "doesn't see me" (that's what I think) and pulls out of my neighborhood completely. I consider running after it still, but decide against it. I make my way back home only to slip on the same patch of ice. It really sucked. So now I'm at home waiting for my siblings' bus to arrive at 8:45 so I can hopefully not miss another whole Literacy class. (I didn't go to school yesterday).

Today is probably going to be a bad day... I'm so excited!

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