Thinking and Talking to Myself

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  • Dedicated to Weirdness


The following is all what I think to myself when I'm bored:Ladedadeda! I'M A BANANA! I'M A BANANA! OOOOOOOOOOOOOH BANANAS! DOCTOR WHO! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! BANANAS ARE GOOD! TEEHEE! You know, I think too much... and here I am thinking too much about how I think too much... Well, you know what? STAB! MWAHAHAHAHA! THROW ALL LIVING BEINGS INTO TARTARUS! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TALKING TO MYSELF~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

*talks to self about random things*

Me: Why am I talking to myself?

Me: I dunno! Well shut up then!

Me: Guuurrrrl! Did you just shut up me?! *snap*

Me: Yes, yes I did! So do it!

Me: Hades no!

Me: Yes

Me: No

Me: Yes

Me: No!!!!!!!!!!! Over my dead body!

Me: *evil laugh and finger thing* That can be aranged! >:]

Me: O.O I am scary...

Me: Aww! Thanks! You too!

Me: Aww! I could never be as scary as you, though!

Me: Pfft! Pa-lease! You go way beyond my scaryness!

Me: Oh... you're making me blush! You!

Me: Same!

Me: Oh my gods! We have so much in common! We should like totally hang out more!

Me: Yeah! Like totally, gurl!



Me: So... what were we talking about? I'm lost...

Me: Me too...

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