Rant: Homework

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I'm at least starting this in math. My teacher just went around to check the homework. I had done 22/26 of the problems last night, but I had a lot to do that night and ended up falling asleep before I could finish the last ones. I didn't even get to study for my science test that I had last period and probably failed.
Anyway, I didn't totally finish it, but I had gotten everything right, so clearly I understood the concept. My teacher threatens me with a lunch detention for 4 fucking problems I didn't do. I told him I didn't get to them and he's all like "Next time it's lunch detention, Lexi"
Like... What the fuck... I already have enough on my hands stressing me out. Example: I have a big placement test to get into honors Biology next year and personal struggles that I won't get into in this chapter. I honestly don't need just one more unnecessary thing adding onto the list that I'm getting a zero for even though I did most of the damn work.

Anyway... Until next time... *smashes head against table*

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