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Hey girls! It's Aria.

Of course, I'm not dating expert, but the Bible does have some principles for us when it comes to relationships. We can also learn from those around us, which is where some of my advice will come from.

First and foremost, I know. I know it's hard being single when all the girls around you seem to be getting boyfriends. But, Christian girl, remember that this is not our goal. Our goal is to be like Christ, and if God wills that a man comes into your life in that journey, so be it. If not, so be it!

So the first thing I always tell girls is this: if you aren't satisfied with God when you're single, you aren't ready for a boyfriend.

I know, you may be thinking that you are satisfied with God, but if you're feeling sad, discouraged, discontent, etc, about not having a boyfriend, then you aren't satisfied. You want more. You want the love of a boy, whether or not they are in God's plan.

Now you have to ask yourself why you want that love. Is it because all your friends do? Because you think it will make you happy? ...Will it satisfy you more than God's love?

God's love is completely satisfactory. You need to be so satisfied with the Lord that is doesn't faze you whether or not marriage is within His will for your life. It's a hard thought to accept, but we have to surrender everything to God, including marriage.

Now that we have the right mindset established, let's turn our focus. Here are some things to consider before dating as a Christian girl.

Before you say "yes" to a date or being someone's girlfriend: if you have no intention of possibly marrying this person, you have no business dating them.

You do not date someone to satisfy your fleshly desires, because you're only going to break their heart. You have to consider the other person involved. Sure, they're the one who asked you, but unless you're both dating with the possibility of marriage, it's foolish. 

Let's take a look at what the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 6:14,

"Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?"

Christian girl, do not compromise for a man who isn't saved. You are going down the hard and narrow path, while he is walking the other direction where it's smooth and easy--but leads right to hell. Don't go into a relationship thinking that you'll "save someone" while you're together, because that is a very rare situation. It's not worth it, especially when the Bible makes it clear that you aren't supposed to be unequally yoked. 

When the right man comes along, he should be leading you towards Christ, not hindering you. And vice versa. You, Christian girl, have a responsibility, too. Having a relationship is work. You will go through hard times together, and what should bring you closer together as a couple is the Lord. You both share a common goal to become more like Christ, so don't be a stumbling block for them!

One final piece of advice I've heard is: the right person at the wrong time is still the wrong person.

They could be the right person for you. They could even be the one you end up marrying. But if it's not the right time, wait! Pray about it, read and study the Bible for answers. Do not trust your heart--even if you think "God is pressing this on your heart," that doesn't hold up because Jeremiah 17:9 says that our hearts are deceitful above all things. Go to God's Word, and you will find all the wisdom you need.

So, summed up, what is my advice on dating? Let Christ rule your heart, not the boy or your desires to have a boyfriend. Read the Bible, seek counsel from trustworthy mentors in your life. Dating is not a game, and marriage is the ultimate reason for dating. Seek God's will fire and foremost!

If you would like to talk with us more about this topic, don't hesitate to PM us. We're also here if you need prayer or have questions about any other topic! God bless!

xx Aria

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