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"Uhm Kana are you sure you want to come today?"

"Of course! I'm trying to get a good look at Kuroo~"

You sigh and proceed to lead your friend to the gym. Where you of course, were the manager.

"Of course." You breathe out. "You know he's at my house all the time, you could just come there."

Your best friend Kana looked at you with widened eyes. "I hope you don't say that to any other girls, you could get clawed alive!"

"Oh hush, it's not like I like him or anything. He's just a big brat that apparently has the time to bother me when he should be worried about himself!"

It was true. Kuroo was an annoying baby that'd make you do everything for him. It's really unfortunate that he's your older brother.

"Kana, you can have him if you want." You say finally entering the gym.

"Sup Shorty!" Yamamoto extends his hand for a high five and you return it.

"Hey Yama!"

"HI Y/N!!" Inuoka runs up to you and stoops down.

"Inu, maybe not so loud next time?" You say softly rustling his hair.

"And where have you been, young lady??" Yaku says rustling your hair.

"Yaku, sweetie, sunshine, you know you're not actually my dad right?" You ask in the sweetest voice.


"Y/n-chan!" Lev ran up to you and picked you up into a hug

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"Y/n-chan!" Lev ran up to you and picked you up into a hug.

"Ah! Lev! Warning please?"

"Oh I'm sorry Y/n..." He says looking disheartened.

"Aw now I feel bad..."

"It's okay Lev, stop looking so sad or I'll cry." You pout and cup his face in your hands. Of course, you have to get on your tiptoes to do this, even though he was already leaning down.

"Alright, alright break it up you guys." Kuroo says feeling salty.

"Stop harassing my sister."

"No one's harassing me rooster head!" You say pulling Lev even lower and hugging him.

You didn't even notice Lev's face was directly in your cleavage.

You stick your tongue out at Kuroo as he makes his way to retrieve you.

He picks you up and you do the longcat thing and try to slip out.

"What's with people picking me up today?!" You think as now you're trying squirming out of Kuroo's hold. But- you're a bit on the curvy side in certain areas-

"Let me go Kuroo!"

"Not until you apologize for calling me Rooster head."

You turn to him and give him the sad puppy eyes.

"Don't do that..."

*Puppy eyes intensify*

"Stop Y/n..."

*Puppy Eyes 1,000,000%*

"UgH...Fine." He sets you down. "You're heavy anyway."

"Rooster Head~!"

"Can we start practice now Kuro?" Kenma says resting his head atop yours and placing his arms around your waist.

"Kenma you too?!" Kuroo is shooketh.

"Yeah Roosterhead, you're the captain, don't keep your team waiting." Kuroo glares at you annoyed as you walk back to your friend Kana.

"Well you certainly have a lively time here don't you?" Kana chuckles.

"Kana, I'm serious. Would you like to adopt a Kuroo?"

(Courting) Kageyama x Curvy/Chubby readerWhere stories live. Discover now