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You're at practice with the guys and you're trying to think of a good way to break it to them. I mean, of course they could get another manager. It's not like they'd miss you that much. That's what you thought anyway.

"Hey Kuroo?"


"What's up with Y/n? She seems pretty off today." The whole team is huddled together and looking at you with your back to them on the bench. Thinking pRETty hard about things.

"I'm actually not sure, she's usually trying to claw my eyes out by now..."

"Kuro, that's a weird flex but okay."


"You're moving?!"

"Shh, Kana, keep it down! Not even Kuroo knows yet."

Kana nods apologetically and comes in closer to talk to you.

"So when do you plan on telling everyone?"

"I'm not sure, should I even tell them? I don't want everyone getting unfocused..."

"WHAT?! Y/n, listen honey. These guys won't be able to function without you. Especially Kenma."

"What? Why Kenma?"

"My, are you really that dense? Dude's in love with you!" She whispers shouts trying not to attract much attention.

You look over to Kenma huddled in the circle no idea what they're talking about. And then back to Kana.

"Kana, I think you're the dense one here. Besides, even if it were true, I could accidentally crush him at any given moment."

Kana just rolls her eyes and you get up to see why the boys haven't started practice yet.

"Everyone act cool, she's coming!"

"You guys good?"

Y-yeah, totally fine!" Trying his best to hide the fact of no- They were not in fact fine.

"Well...aren't you going to start practice?"

*After practice ends*

"So, y/n, are you still coming over today?"

You had almost forgotten about it.

"Yes of course!" Anything to get your mind off of moving. And besides, you enjoyed Kenma's company anyway.

"And where are you taking my sister pudding head?"

"To my place."

"Well I'm coming too."

"No. I didn't invite you."


"C'mon Y/n. I've been waiting to play this game all day."

You two walk out of the school and it's silent for a minute.

"Hey, um, Y/n?"

"Yeah what's up?"

"I wanted to ask you the same question."

You ponder the outcome for a second, this could be your best opportunity to come clean, but instead. Your dumbass curves the question-

"Just a bit hungry's all."

"Oh, perfect, come on then."

He picks up his walking pace and you do the same. You arrive at his house and suspiciously enough, all of your favorite snacks are there.

"Kenma, what?" You chuckle out.

"Yeah about that, I remember you said you liked these things."

You only remember mentioning about your favorite snacks once around the team. Really because you didn't want to be seen as more of a glutton than you already thought yourself to be. Still, it's incredible how he remembered a few small details.

*A few hours later*

"Y/n, how are you so good at this game and it literally just came out?" Kenma looks at you curiously and a tiny hinge of annoyance.

You shrug. "I guess it's just one of my many talents." You turn back to the screen in the dark room. You've been on a streak and you're almost done with the story mode. But the freaking final boss is just so vexing.

"Having trouble doll?" He asks mockingly. You return no reply, being too focused on the game to do so.

Kenma sighs and sits behind you on the sofa. He puts his arms over your shoulder and grabs the controller, and with a few calculated moves he's beat it.

"I hate you, you know that?" You say playfully looking up at him. He chuckles at you.

"Yeah, I know." You look off into the bright screen and just stare. "What if he does like me..?"

"You okay Y/n? You haven't eaten even though you said you were hungry."

You hesitate for a moment maybe this could be your chance again.

"But what if he does..? This could cause problems..."

You'd be lying if you said you didn't feel somewhat the same way. You related to each other and he's the kind of person that you like to be around. He's always there if you want to talk and vice versa. So surely you would be able to tell him this.

You took a deep breath and looked him straight in the eye.

"Kenma, I'm...moving."

He stared at you momentarily and blinked a couple of times.


"The...Miyagi Prefecture?"

You don't know why you said it as a question you kinda cringed backwards saying it as if you were expecting something bad to happen.

"Oh, that's pretty far out."


"Will you still play games with me?"




"Of course idiot."




"I'm kidding Y/n, I could always come visit you, you know."

"You don't have to do that."

"I didn't ask Y/n, I'm telling you. Now eat."


"That wasn't a question either Y/n."

"Fine ya big bully."

He chuckled at your childishness.

"If that's all that was on your mind you could have said so earlier. Does Kuro know yet?"

You shake your head cause your mouth's full.

A few more hours have gone by and you two have been joking, eating, and playing games until you fall asleep.


Pervy Smartass: Did you tell her yet?

kYaNmA: Didn't get the chance, she's asleep now and I don't wanna wake her.

Pervy Smartass: Bro what's stopping you? You're the only guy I'll let my sister date anyway, and it's not like she likes anyone else.

kYaNmA: Well...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2021 ⏰

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