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"What do you mean I have to move in with mom?" You ask your father who's currently occupied with his work.

"Your mom wants you to move in with her in the Miyagi Prefecture, she says she thinks you've become too comfortable with your current situation."

"What's wrong with that?!" You say getting a bit irritated even though you're usually mild mannered.

Your father just shrugged his shoulders. "She's coming to pick you up at the end of the week."

Frustrated you go to your room and shut the door- quietly- and bury your face in your pillow. "At least it's only Monday." You think getting up and going to your computer on your desk. You promised Kenma you'd play some games with him after school.

*On the Private Discord Server*

"Hey Kenma? You there?"

"Yeah give me a sec." You hear a few familiar voices in the background talking about something that you couldn't quite make out.

"Alright I'm ready, so what do you wanna play first Y/n?"

*After at least 5 hours*

"Hey Y/n..." Kenma looks at you and his eyes seem...troubled?

"Yeah? What's up Koko pie?"

"I was wondering if you had plans after school tomorrow."

You think about it for a minute and shake your head.

"Well if you'd like to, there's this new game I got and I'd like you to try it out with me."

You smile at him "Of course. You know I would!"

He smiles back at you.

"Well, I think I'll be going to sleep now. Later."


You didn't tell him that you were moving yet, actually you didn't tell anyone. Kuroo didn't even know yet, nor Kana.

You go take a shower and lie down in bed, but you can't sleep.

You get on your phone and start playing one of your random online games, you see that Kenma's online too.

*In the game chat*

"You too?"


It wasn't very unlikely for this to happen, in fact it happened at least 3 times a week.

*After what feels like only a few minutes*

"Y/n! Wake up sleeping beauty! Time for school." Your brother Kuroo throws a breakfast bar at you as he's rushing to get his clothes on.

"Ugh~ Why so early~?"

"Y/n we're actually pretty late, so get your short butt up and get dressed."

You swipe down on your phone to check the time. Your eyes are a bit blinded by the light coming into your window so you only attempt to make out the outlines of the numbers.


You quickly put on your school uniform and dash out of the door before Kuroo.

"Oi! Y/n! Wait up!"

"Catch up Rooster!"

Might I add, athleticism was not particularly your forte. By the time you were at the school you were worn out and panting.

"Hey Y/n? Why were you running so fast?" You look up (literally) and Lev is towering over you (literally).

"We're late, (pant) how come (pant) you seem so calm (pant)?"

"Y/'re actually pretty early."

You pull out your phone and check the time, only to see Kuroo and you read it wrong. You storm up to your brother and kick him in the bend of the back of his knee and storm off.

"I should have known better than to listen to my idiot brother."

(Courting) Kageyama x Curvy/Chubby readerWhere stories live. Discover now