Chapter 37

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We ended up in Dumbledores office with Professor Mcgonagall who had a thin lined mouth not letting her emotions show on her face, Dumbledore sat in his chair and professor Mcgonagall stood by his desk

"Professor please it's not his fault flint said something he shouldn't have" I tried to reason with them

"Please miss moon before we try to reason I would like to know what happened" Dumbledore spoke slowly looking and George

"Well violet and I walked into the great hall and everyone stopped speaking and was looking at us this put me on edge anyway since defence against the dark arts class" he looked at me seeing if I was okay

"Right Professor lupins class, can you tell us what happened in there" Professor Mcgonagall asked

"Why" George said defensively

"Just so we can understand your point of view mr Weasley" Dumbledore smiled

George looked at me with uncertainty, I smiled and turned to Dumbledore

"We we're having a practical lesson with the boggart and my boggart was quite distressful" I said putting on a brave face remembering the lesson

"And it talked about what happened at the Malfoy's residence I believe" Dumbledore spoke

"Yes it did" I looked down

Professor Mcgonagall shook her head with tears glistening in her eyes

"Back to the great hall then" Dumbledore looked at George

"They all stopped then flint started shouting from the Slytherin table, he said-" George cut himself off balling his hands in fists

I placed my hand on his and turned to the Professors in front of us

"He said 'I can't believe anyone would want to touch her let alone have sex with her' but I ignored him and started walking away but he spoke up again and said 'no wonder she was raped no one else would want her' and before I knew it George was screaming 'you're dead flint' and was punching him" I rubbed circles with my thumb on George's hand noticing he tensed up "Professor he was just protecting me"

"I know miss moon that's why he won't be getting expelled" Professor Mcgonagall spoke

We both jumped up

"Really!" We screamed

"Really" Dumbledore chuckled "but we must talk about something"

We both nodded and sat back down slowly

"Now mr Weasley I recall you saying you can't remember punching him so much you thought you only did it once" he questioned George

George nodded furrowing his brows

"Now there is a thing in both muggle and the wizarding world, in the muggle world it's just a saying but here it's a reality a very rare reality but it happens occasionally" he looked between us

"What is it?" I ask

"It's called soulmates, when someone's soulmate is hurt emotionally or physically they can't help but protect at any cost and it usually ends in duels" Professor Mcgonagall explained

"But that's just a myth" George said

"Because it is so rare it is considered a myth, only certain people possess it and it's because of blood" Dumbledore told us

"Professor I'm confused on what you're trying to say" My brows knitted together

"I'm saying miss moon" he stood up and walked towards us stopping in front of his desk "you're ancestor is merlin himself and you posses the gift of soulmates"

"That can't be right sir" I stammered "plus how would I know who my soulmate even is"

Dumbledore and Professor Mcgonagall was looking from me to George

"Wait what- no we can't- that's impossible-" George and I stammered out

"I have told you the facts miss moon and mr Weasley, it's up to you to figure out what to do with them" Dumbledore sniggered and put his hand out towards the door motioning us to leave

George and I walked out not saying a word shock on our faces, we turned to each other and he pushed my chin up closing my open mouth

"You're going to catch flies" he laughs wrapping his arm around my shoulder

"Hey Georgie" he hums in response "can we not force things I want to let things happen naturally"

"Of course, you can't resist me anyway" he winks

"Oh George you don't know what I can do" I smirked

"Then let me figure it out" he pulls me closer around by my waist

I grab his tie and bring him down whispering in his ear

"You don't think I'll let you have me that easily do you?" I ask turning around walking off laughing

Time skip
We were in the quidditch changing rooms as the quidditch season was approaching, I was sitting on a bench in between George and Fred

Oliver stood in front of us with desperation on his face

"This is our last chance, my last chance, to win the quidditch cup, I'll be leaving at the end of this year and I'll never get another shot at it" he paced up and down saying all of this

I sighed at the thought of Oliver leaving, his speeches were annoying but they brought fun to the meetings

"Gryffindor haven't won for 7 years now ok so we've had the worst luck in the world, injuries, then the tournament being called off last year" wood gulped like the thought haunted him "but we also know we've got the best ruddy team in the school!"

We all cheered

"We've got three superb chasers" he pointed to me Angelina and Katie

Fred and George lifted my arms and cheered using their other arm to point at Angie and Katie

"We've got 2 unbeatable beaters" he winked at the pun

I rubbed Fred and George's heads cheering

"Stop it Oliver you're embarrassing us" Fred and George spoke in unison

I pinch their cheeks and cup their faces

"Oh my god they are blushing" I gasped

"Stop itttttt" they say girly like hiding their faces in my shoulders

"And we've got a seeker who has never failed to win us a match!" He yelled looking at Harry with pride

We all clap our hands and cheer for Harry seeing him get red

"And me" he said after a doubtful silence

"We think you're pretty great too Oliver" I smiled at him

"Cracking keeper" George stuck his thumb up

"The point is the quidditch cup should of had our name on it for these last 2 years, ever since Harry joined the team I thought the thing was in the bag, but we haven't got it and this year is the last chance we will finally get to see our name on the thing" he was pacing again stopping at important pieces

"Oliver this years ours" Fred smirked

"We'll do it Oliver!" Angie cheered blushing when she caught Fred looking at her

"Definitely" Harry chipped in

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