Chapter 10

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Time skip past the second year (now in their third year) it's the summer before Ron's first year

We were all downstairs eating breakfast when Errol came with the Hogwarts letters telling us what we need for school but this year it was a little different Ron was accepted to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry

"Aw iccle ronnikins got accepted" George teased while messing with Ron's hair

"And we all thought you were a squib" Fred laughed

I smacked their heads

"shut up being mean or I'll somehow get professor Snape here and shove your heads so far up that cold emotionless scary mans ars-" I was cut off by molly walking back into the kitchen

"Oh my Ronnie I'm so proud of you" molly squeals while pinching Ron's cheeks he grunts

"ugh mom get off me" Ron said is disgust

I covered my mouth to stop a laugh that was threatening to come out

Fred interupts the moment "ye so when are we going to diagon alley the new nimbus 2000 is out and apparently it's wicked"

George and I instantly jump at the sound of the new broom all three of us got onto the quidditch team last year Fred and George being beaters and I'm a chaser with Angelina

"We can go after your father gets back" molly replies smiling wide happy her children are content with their lives

We arrive at diagon alley but before I could even register that I'm pulled away by the twins dragging me towards Quality Quidditch Supplies

I couldn't help but gawp at the nimbus 2000 it was beautiful sleek and shiny the fastest broom in the world the boys were mesmerised I was deep in thought they could use those as beaters

The next day

We were woke by Ron 2 hours earlier than we were supposed to get up it's safe to say the twins and I were especially grumpy that morning

We were walking to platforms 9 and 10 to get to the Hogwarts express and we may of been late from a prank George Fred and I pulled on Percy but that's beside the point

They were fast walking towards the train I was sitting on George's trolley "packed with muggles of course" molly huffed then a boy with raven hair walked over asking how to get onto the platform for some reason he seemed familiar but I shook the feeling off when molly told Fred to go through the platform

"I'm not Fred I'm George" Fred replied I instantly knew what they were doing

"honestly women you call yourself out mother" George tutted

"oh sorry George" molly rushed her words knowing they will be late

"I'm only joking I am Fred" Fred laughed then ran through to the platform

I screamed at the sudden movement of the trolley gripping on as George started to run straight after

"I swear to god George if the wall seals shut and I hit face first into it you won't be alive to laugh about it" I threaten

He just laughs as he runs through it

We got onto the train after another hit to the head for the twins when they were boasting about talking to Harry Potter and making fun of Percy and Ron don't get me wrong Percy's was funny but I'm protective over Ron

As we sat in the compartments of the train Fred noticed I was distracted

"what's up violet you seem troubled" he asks

"It's Harry" I answer

"what about him" George turns while asking

"I remember when I was younger I used to play with him I held him as a baby it's always been a memory I could remember for some reason" I answer looking out the window

"So you used to play with the Harry Potter!" Fred exclaimed excitedly

"oh come off it Fred don't you think the boy has had enough of being gawped at for who he is he's probbaly sick of it" I snap

"okay okay I'll stop" he replies holding his hands up in defeat

I sit in silence for most of the trip only speaking when spoken too

"hey you alright" George whispers and I nod in response

"ye I just can't shake the feeling of guilt about Harry's parents I knew them and didn't know until 2 hours ago you know" I reply frustrated

"hey it's ok you were what 3-4 when it happened I can't even remember what I did last week" he smiles

I laugh George has a weird way of calming me down and making me laugh, I can't thank him enough for it

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