Chapter 19

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Joselines POV

All i could think was "bullshit bullshit bullshit!"that letter didn't mean shit.don't nobody wanna forget their child!fuck him!

I went in José's room to see if he read the letter.

José: I'm not reading that letter.


Jose:because I don't want to.

Joseline:I don't want you to either.

José: you read yours? was bullshit.

Jose:exactly why I don't wanna read mine

Joseline:how bout we burn these damn letters?

Jose:cool with

He threw it to me.then I walked out the room.I went outside and pulled out a lighter.something told me not to burn I opened José's was basically explaining what he already knew but he also told him that there was money left somewhere.I ran in the house and showed him the letter.

Joseline:you sure you want me to burn it?

Jose:let's go get this money.

Joseline:it said you can't get it until you're 18 though.

Jose:you put the letter somewhere safe.and I'll get it then


Jose:thanks sis

Joseline:no problem little brother.don't tell nobody about this money

Jose:I ain't telling a soul!

Joseline:I taught you well


I took a nap for a few hours.when I woke up Jose was playing with Mani in the yard. It was so cute.but then I noticed a black car across the seemed weird because I could see someone in it but they didn't look familiar.

I went ahead and told them to come in the house.just to be careful.


Joseline:You want daddy?


Joseline:I want daddy too.he better get here soon or else hes gonna miss dinner.

I went ahead and made some cheeseburgers with bacon and French fries.the kids was lovin it.after dinner I gave Armani a bath and put her to bed.she gavbe me a big ole kiss and told me to get out.

Joseline:well dang mamas...and don't you wait up for daddy okay?

Mani:okay mommy

I went back downstairs to find Jose on the phone with some chick.

Jose:yea baby I know...don't you worry about it...I'll get the money and we can go to the store and get a few of're just being're not pregnant

Joseline:pregnant!!who the fuck thinks they're pregnant jose?!

Jose:I'll talk to you later baby

Joseline:who tf is "baby" and why do they think they're pregnant?

Jose:Angie thinks she's pregnant.

Joseline:why don't you listen to me jose!I told you not to move to fast with these Lil fast ass girls because kissing leads to sex and sex leads to pregnancy and pregnancy means baby and baby means money and money is something you don't have.which means you're gonna need money which means you're going to be asking me for money which means I gotta hear shit from august and-

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