Chapter 11

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Joseline's POV


Mhmmm that's bae or whatever.but yea last night was fun asab.after we left the poetry club,we went to his house and just chilled lookin at movies.I stayed over but we ain't do anything.most of the time we just talked or we both knocked out on the couch.

In the morning,the front door opens.oh it's just Devion.Jevions brother.

D-so we havin girls stay over now?

I was halfway sleep but I was awake enough to say something

L-nigga stfu

D-last time I checked this was my house

J-nigga you heard her.stfu I'm tryna sleep

D-aint nobody bothering you

J-fight me

D-don't threaten me with a good time.

J-oh fr

Jevion jumped up and he was ready to go

D-how bout we don't and say we did.

J-nahh nigga you always talkin that shit so fight me.

Jevion hit his ass in his stomach.

D-ight mane chill

L-baby I think that's enough...NOOO HE WASNT READY!

D-damn that shit hurt.

J-I told you to stop fuckin wit me.

D-you only actin all hard cos yo girl here.

J-ima hit you again.

D-nahh I'm good.ima go head upstairs

J-mhmm do that.


J-what is it ma

L-im hungry

J-what you want


J-crust n cream or Italian delight?

L-crust n cream.and I want some ice cream...vanilla please.

J-ight ma


Jevions POV

so after 2 hours the pizza finally gets here.and guess what.her ice cream is melted.

J-I ain't paying for the ice cream.

Pizza guy-who payin for it

J-nobody in this house.

Pizza guy-Wym bruhh

J-#1 I ain't yo bruhh #2 this shit is melted.

Pizza guy-nigga pay for it so I can go

J-nigga get off my porch

Pizza guy-you ordered it so you gotta pay for it.

Joseline comes to the door

L-what's wrong jevion.

Pizza guy-wassup lil ma can I get your number.


L-jevion go sit down

J-nahh he got me fu-

L-go sit down I'll handle this.

Joseline's POV

L-so you want my number?

Pizza look fine asf ma

L-thx can I get that receipt ima write my number on the back but if I give you this number can you take the ice cream back?

Pizza guy-anything for you sexy.

I look over at jevion and he is can see his blood boiling.

I write my number on the back of the receipt

L-here you go

Pizza guy-1-800-suc-a-dic

L-have a nice day.

I slam the door in his face.he thought he was gon get my number?boy bye.

Jevions POV

That's my baby.

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