Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Dear diary,

         Seriously, I don't know how or where to start. . . It was unintentionally for me to write digitally. I'm a lazy bum when it comes to writing, but suddenly, after what ray of the rainbow (?) crosses me, I gained courage to tell what I experienced as a fourth grader.

From the start, the start of classes were hilarious: there comes a time when the teacher wants to make us to introduce ourselves.

"Okay Jessie, what do you want to be in the future and why?" our teacher, Mrs. Rose Budweig asked me while I was in front of the class.

I really hate oral recitation. I feel like I was a hardened butter, heated and melt; or, I want to puke rainbows out of my mouth because I feel 'butterflies in my stomach' (seriously speaking, gross).

"I just want to be a teacher just like mother." I immediately replied to her as the class went silent.

"And why is it that you choose teaching as your profession?" she asked again.

"Because I want to help people who wants to read and write. It's not just the four sides of the classroom that they can learn, but there are times that we need to guide them. That is the main role of an educator" the teacher was smiling and it was really heartwarming moment for me. It was like you are spending your whole eternity working on your explanation.

But, the whole class applauded. At least, my explanation worked fine.

"How you come up with such an explanation in doing that? " My closest friend, Arianne Hamlet was one of the most intelligent people in our bunch. Sometimes, I can't imagine myself compared to her, but above all that, she was one of the best set of friends I had in my entire life (so far).

"Actually, It was just hunch after a good conversation with my mom yesterday. Just all with the plans and everything. Career stuffs, you know." I explained as she hides her chuckle in her hands.

"Maybe, I will try one out when essay comes," she replied as she patted my head.

Throughout the school year, she was also talking about her ultimate affection of her feelings, hiding him in the pseudonym "Matthew", currently her senior (seriously, he was four years older than Arianne, and yes Matthew was a eight grader). Her affections started when she hear him singing praise and worship songs while dancing for the Lord in church: a typical "white knight" with the description "tall, white and handsome". Sometimes, she thinks that she wants to tell what she feels on him.

But you know what? She didn't even bother to tell him. She was actually scared of being rejected.

Arianne Hamlet was the topnotcher in our class, more technically, she has everything: the alluring looks, a quirky brain and kind. Sometimes, she does have mood swings for everyone to bear with it everyday, but above all that, many people like her. That's why many guys fall head overheels for her.

And it includes one of my best set of friends, Hyacinth.

TAKE NOTE! It may sounds feminine to you guys, but it's a HE. Kinda misleading, right?

Hyacinth Riderwing was one of the guys fell in love with our first heroine. A typical bird brain, whenever he heards something about Arrianne, he immediately listens. Notmore just a bird brain, but an eagle.

One thing that he didn't accomplish yet is to TELL WHAT HE FEELS ABOUT HER. But then again folks, he don't have the courage. Indeed, love for a fourth grader nowadays was not just puppy love: it's a struggle for the right hand of your crush. It turns out a game for everybody: both did it for love, recognition and fame.

Lucky that I just have family love. I really do ship for them. Kyahh!

Anyways, I talked to him one time about getting her hands, and we were talking like REAL MEN (well, of course, normal for him for a GUY and not for me as a GIRL)

"Dude, you love him right? " I have all the courage to tell that to him in private while Arianne is away buying something for recess.

"Yes, I do, dude. But how could I tell her all that I feel? Look, there are plenty of guys who are in my case on dreaming at her right now," he was really whispering while we sitted aside as we silently partaking our food.

"You've got to do something, Hyacinth! What's your plan?" I asked him as he was deeply thinking for some solutions in finding a way to talk to her.

"Why don't you ask her for me?" his puppy eyes outstands the rainy weather. People were weirdly watching at us, like "What's going on with them, are they hiding something" well in conclusion, yes. Hiding from those bunch of girls who always gossip, I'm afraid if they tell Arianne if they heard us.

I couldn't say NO to him, so as a exchange for his request for me, I obliged him to treat me chocolates, cause that's my favorite.

So I asked Arianne the following day. . .

While we are doing some seatwork in Mathematics, I am whispering on her ear. . . "Would you mind to lend an ear for a bit? " She just nodded and looked at me in the eye, as other good listeners do.

"You know, we were on the same class before, then you and everyone of us are closely bounded together, so there is a question I would like to ask."

"What is it? " she asked me and I suddenly whisper something on her ear.

Shoot. Hyacinth is watching, he looks very nervous as his sweat is coming off. I must not fail.

I cleared my voice, "Who is Hyacinth to you?" I asked her. There's a confusion plotted on her face and thinking. Later on, "Just friends, nothing in particular about it."

I blanked out for seconds, did I heard friends? Oh yes, I heard it right as Arianne did not bother on my expression.

I am totally screwed right now. I can't say that to Hyacinth's face, he would totally lose his urge to confess.

Love is really deep, indeed. Deeper than a fraction equation. Ugh.

A day passed. We're heading to our classroom to start our class.

"Hey! What did she said yesterday?" He is leaping and pumping right now due to increasing adrenaline he feels over. Sadly, if he just knew what Arianne said about it. . .

"Uhm, she says that just a friend. . ." of course, I tell him the straight and blunt truth. I don't want to lie. Suddenly, the adrenaline slowly decreases upon knowing her reply.

"Cheer up Hyacinth, there's a lot of things we can do. It's just our first try."

His face brightened. "I won't just give up the fight, Jessie. I will continue this journey. I love her after all. . ." he answered with a smirk as we entered the classroom.

Sometimes, love really do sacrifices a lot of things for the greater good . . . Kinda stupid to act yet hard to explain. Does it conquers any problems? Well. . . Let's find out, then.

Suddenly, my school life was formed with different shippings, and I smell something in this. Then, I hunched something from my brain. A good plan creates on my cerebrum.


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