New Girl

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   " Oh, Tamaki. My dearest Tamaki! Why are you so beautiful? "

   " I'm hoping to catch your eye, even if for just one second. "

   " Then why is your voice so very sweet and mellow? "

   " To set your nerves at ease so that my true feelings might reach your heart. "

   " Why are your eyes filled with tears every time you look at me? "

   " Because the sight of your beautiful smile causes the fountain inside me to start overflowing. "

   " Oh, Tamaki. "

   " Oh, good grief. " You said, rolling your eyes.

You returned your attention back to the pastry dough you were rolling. You didn't understand how the girls could fall so easily for Tamaki's words. They were just used to sway the girls, and the tears in his eyes were fake. Today the hosts were wearing kimono's and some of them had long hair extensions put in. I was making small desserts when Tamaki and the others joined me in the kitchen.

   " How could you! My tears are always genuine. Being able to cry without the use of eye drops is the mark of a true host. "

You rolled your eyes once more. You paid attention to the dough you were filling and folding.

   " Tell me, do I impress you? "

His hand went on his chest while his other was raised in the air towards you. You knew he was talking to you.

   " Have you fallen for me yet? "

   " You wish. I need to focus on these desserts. "

   " My romance overtures do not seem to be reaching you for some reason. Perhaps I should add a little more panache to my character, huh? "

I looked past Tamaki to see someone standing in the doorway. The doorway led to another part of the host room, and she was standing halfway in it looking in. She was wearing the school uniform, and she had a bow on top of her head. Her hair was light brown and long. She hid behind the door, and I dusted my hand off on a towel. I pulled on the edge of Tamaki's Kimono, and his eyes found mine. I walked away from the counter and towards him.

   " Oh my so you have fallen for me and you're making the first move, how bold of you. "

You grabbed his figure and turned him around. You stood beside him and pointed at the girl in the doorway. 

   " Looks like the host club has a brand new guest. Does that mean you haven't fallen for me? " Tamaki asked, turning towards you once more.

   " Correct. "

   " But I'm your prince. "

You watched both twins approach the girl, one at a time. 

   " Come on in. What are you waiting for? " Kaoru asked, holding out a rose for her.

   " Watching from afar is no fun. " Hikaru said, holding out another rose towards her.

   " Please miss? "

Tamaki approached them with a rose of his own. 

   " Stop that! How many times do I have to tell you boys to be more courteous to our first-time guests? Please, you don't have to be afraid, my princess. "

 He held her chin gently and came closer to him, like all of his other guests.

   ' There he goes using the same nickname. '

   "  I welcome you to the Ouran Host Club. "

She looked like she was about to speak but was nervous too.

   " Yes? "

   " No! Don't touch me! You're phony! "

She smacked Tamaki across the face, and he fell back and away from her. He stood up, holding his face in his hand. I was intrigued by this girl and was curious about what her next action would be. 

   " What do you mean I'm phony? "

   " Just what I said! You're phony! "

Tamaki flinched back, and the girl fully appeared in the room. Her eyes were light brown and intimidating. I didn't flinch from her harsh tone as she spoke and pointed at Tamaki.

   "  I find it hard to believe that someone like you is the prince character of this host club! You shouldn't go spreading your love around so easily like that, you stupid! You must be a dim-witted narcissist! You're incompetent! You're a commoner! You're disgusting! "

Tamaki fell to the floor, and I was halfway to cheer for the girl. She wasn't like any of the other girls who would fawn over Tamaki. Or like others that played hard to get, only to fall for him even harder. She downright killed him with her words. Kyoya's glance at the girl was recognizable. His eyes showed that he knew of her. He knew of everyone, of course.

   " I don't suppose you are..." 

   " It's you, Kyoya! "

The girl started crying, and she started making her way towards Kyoya. She jumped on Tamaki's back and hugged him. I grabbed an icepack and started walking towards Tamaki.

   " Oh, how I've longed to meet you! My one and only prince charming. "

You set the icepack on his back, where she jumped on him. He looked up at you and smiled, saying thank you. He laid his head back on the floor and let himself lay there in misery. You leaned down to his ear and whispered,

   " Just calm down. I bet she was just frazzled. Now, get up. The host club needs its president to figure out what's going on. "

You leaned away from him, and he jumped up from the floor with the icepack falling from his back.

   " You're right! Thank you, princess. "

   " There you go with that nickname again. "

   ' I wish he would stop using it. '

I'll Be Your Prince ( Tamaki x Female Reader )Where stories live. Discover now