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before the rise and the fall, before the grief and the despair, when death was still a faint frail light gleaming weakly at the horizon of life, when war was just a game, there begins our story. because before everything fell apart, there was a little girl hiding behind a library, whose adventure was about to start.
Mary MacDonald knew the wizarding world and yet she could have never expected what was waiting ahead for her the day she opened the curious letter written in green ink.
very dark times were coming — some of the darkest the wizarding world had ever seen.
while this wizard, who could no longer be called man, slowly raised to power, Mary's story unfolded in the halls of Hogwarts, in the streets of London, in the hills of the Scottish countryside.
lifelong friendships, dented families, hidden mysteries, whispered prophecies and much more await Mary MacDonald as she grows up in this bruised, aching, wrong wizarding world.
follow us, as we finally tell her story properly, but please, remember this story has no happy ending.
actually, it has no ending at all.

- m*ruders and k!ll¡ngs — I'm never too specific since most deaths are caused by spells, just like in the Harry Potter books!
- har*ssment, ab*se, r*cism— again, I'll never be specific, but unfortunately we all know the marauders era and the 70s in general were very violent and r*cist times, so I can't omit these ++ unluckily, the only canon thing we know of Mary MacDonald is that she was attacked when she was very young.

I'll always put a trigger warning at the beginning of any potential triggering chapter!

I'd like to give proper credits to lilyemerson and violet_will for some their ocs, who will appear in the story. Lily owns the McKinnon family (apart from Marlene of course) and Violet owns Samuel Davies and Dana Greengrass (the ones who'll be there the most) <3

Hello everyone! My name is Diana and I go by she/her pronouns. I'm from Italy, so English it's not my first language and therefore my grammar and writing might not be flawless. I hope you can still enjoy this fanfiction and please feel free to leave any advice to improve my writing in the comments!

many moons ago - mary macdonaldWhere stories live. Discover now